Photography in college?

Question by itachi_sasumi: Photography in college?
what Photography classes are there?
and what do you need to get in for colleges in BC?

Best answer:

Answer by ๑۩۞۩๑ CupCake ๑۩۞۩๑
Types of Classes:

Some photography courses offered are darkroom techniques in which the mastering of development of film and photos is presented. Basic photography courses offer the fundamental background for operating a camera as well as what equipment can be best suited for various photographic needs. More advanced classes can offer computer graphic information. Digital camera art is an advanced class to ascertain techniques for added artistic flair while shooting digital photos. A class for underwater photography can provide photographers the understanding of how to dive as well as the ways that light reflects differently through water. Some classes offered give information on landscape or nature photography. Taking any photography courses can benefit even the most erudite photographer. There are courses that offer journalism and photography combined for photographers seeking a career with a magazine or newspaper.

Formal Education:

A Bachelor of Arts degree in professional photography is attainable for those seeking professional employment as a photographer. The program offers six concentrations including commercial photography, portrait photography, digital image photography, advertising photography, digital media photography and scientific photography. Further education can result in achieving a Masters in Science of Photography. Attending these courses provides the background for coping with complex situations involving equipment, subjects and meeting deadlines in all different conditions.

Photography is a favored pastime of many people providing a keepsake of photographic masterpieces for others to enjoy in the future. It has become an enjoyed hobby for most and for some, after hard work and dedication, a career. By attending photography courses the relationship between photographer and camera can provide continued success.

Hope I Helped <3

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1 Response to Photography in college?

  1. Santosh says:

    The development of color photography was hindered by the limited sensitivity of early photographic materials, which were mostly sensitive to blue, only slightly sensitive to green, and virtually insensitive to red. The discovery of dye sensitization suddenly made it possible to add sensitivity to green, yellow and even red. Improved color sensitizers and ongoing improvements in the overall sensitivity of emulsions steadily reduced the once-prohibitive long exposure times required for color, bringing it ever closer to commercial viability. Digital imaging uses an electronic image sensor to record the image as a set of electronic data rather than as chemical changes on film.
    An important difference between digital and chemical photography is that chemical photography resists photo manipulation because it involves film and photographic paper, while digital imaging is a highly manipulative medium. This difference allows for a degree of image post-processing that is comparatively difficult in film-based photography and permits different communicative potentials and applications.

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