Tag Archives: should

Why You Should Set Photography Goals and How To Do So

pay per click advertising Setting goals is one of the most important, yet often overlooked, tools for growth. As photographers and business owners, setting goals, can help keep you on track, focused, and heading in the direction you want to … Continue reading

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6 Skills Every Photographer Should Develop

So you’ve purchased or maybe been gifted a fancy new camera and you have a desire to take better pictures. You may just want to see your subjects in better focus and properly exposed or you have always had the … Continue reading

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What should I photograph?

Question by Matt V: What should I photograph? i live in a relatively small town in connecticut and i love photography. I feel like i’ve worn out all the landscapes other attractions to photograph. In other words i feel like … Continue reading

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What should i photograph?

Question by : What should i photograph? ive run out of ideas! i need ideas on things to photograph! please.. nothing dirty… but any suggestions??? Thanks(: Best answer: Answer by stuckhere1993homemade brownies Add your own answer in the comments!

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What basic camera settings should I use?

Question by Jody: What basic camera settings should I use? So I am just learning about my new camera and I often don’t know what scene option to pick. I have sports, beach, landscape, macro, etc, As an example. I … Continue reading

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