Sunday Morning Reflections – Dream With Your Eyes Open


© JenkoAtaman

“Nothing haunts us more than the dreams we didn’t act upon!”
Ed Sykes
As usual, I’m off the topic of photography, and yet for some of you I’m not. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what I want to do with my life. While many of you are focused and for years have known what you wanted to be when you grew up, I’m one of those still struggling.  But while it’s a “struggle” it’s also what keeps me smiling.

Whether you’d call them my dreams or aspirations, doesn’t make any difference. I wake up every day knowing the things I need to do and then I’ve learned to take the time and think about which dream out of the file I want to tackle next. I look at my dreams and goals like one big file drawer loaded with ideas.

However, here’s something that happens as you get older – you realize you don’t have the luxury of endless time to procrastinate – something you never really had in the first place.  With some ideas you jump on things quicker than others.  Then there are those dreams that are very personal versus simple projects you just want to do. 

By this time, you should notice that I use words like dreams, goals, aspirations and even ideas all the same way. They all represent things I want and intend to do.

So, here I am on a Sunday morning, sharing ideas on keeping dreams alive. I’m not an expert, but I have had family and associates over the years who thought they had the power to crush my dreams and turn the tide to send me off in other directions. For years, they did just that. Here are some Sunday morning tips on keeping your dreams alive and turning them into reality:

  • Take a few minutes and write down your top dreams/aspirations. Do it like a bucket list in no particular order.
  • Identify those that are “low-hanging fruit,” ones that are easier realized than others. 
  • Balance things out so you’re not always chasing the fruit that’s hardest to get to. Take a small aspiration and tackle it at the same time you’re working on a more long range one.
  • Only share your dreams with those people you trust the most, but it’s important to share your dreams. Without letting them out, they suffocate and die.
  • The hardest of all – surround yourself with positive people and cut the “Negators” in your life out of the picture. Nobody belongs in your life if they spend time crushing your dreams.

Last on the list – when you’re chasing a dream, and it’s not working out, just change course. You don’t have to let go of the dream, just the path you’ve chosen to get there. Most important of all, DON’T SHOULD ON YOURSELF. It’s a lesson I learned from Sheila, because at the beginning of our relationship I was “shoulding” all over the place. You know the drill – you do something, it doesn’t work out and instead of putting energy into a new direction you whine, shrug your shoulders and say, “You know what I should have done?”

It’s Sunday and the perfect day to chase one particular dream we all share, just to be happy. Smile a lot today. Hug those people most special to you and appreciate while most people only dream when they’re asleep, you’ve got the ability to dream with your eyes wide open!

Wishing everybody a terrific Sunday and one filled with love, peace and oh yeah, plenty of great dreams.

SkipCohenUniversity – SCU Blog

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