Sunday Morning Reflection – The Art of Anticipation


© Daddy Cool


Tomorrow morning we’ll be headed to ShutterFest, and I’m not sure I have the ability to describe the pure joy of anticipation I’m feeling. In fact, I wandered into Fotolia, which I often use for illustrations with posts and typing in the word “anticipation” I had my choice of four hundred images of pregnant women. So, while my anticipation is almost as exciting as having a baby, the photos they offered just didn’t fit.

However, a kid looking out from behind the curtains makes my point just fine. I’ve got that same look on my face right now as I go over my presentations one more time to see if I missed anything. I have props I’ve been putting away for a month to take with me. I’ve got my camera ready to go, extra batteries, my laser pointer which I never remember to use and a few books I want to give away as relevant door prizes.

But the real preview to my packing is all in my heart and all under the umbrella of “anticipation.” ShutterFest has become my most favorite event of the year, and it’s all about friendships. While I love to teach and know, I can help photographers better market themselves and run their business, going to this particular convention is a reunion. 

Yesterday I caught up to Rebecca Nash, a new friend from last year’s conference. Every year the ShutterFest team decorates the trade show hall with posters of the speakers and last year the portrait I provided wasn’t very good. She grabbed a shot for me, and there I am.

Then I caught an image of good buddy Matt Meiers on Facebook. It’s too scary a shot to share here, but I realized why he’s become such a good friend…he’s nuts! LOL. I know Joan and Stephen are probably already there, another friendship that came out of this conference. I’m hoping to catch up to Gary Altman again – my conversation with Gary, an ex-law enforcement guy, came out of one early morning at the first ShutterFest. Justin will be in from Colorado and a hug from Melissa will round out the reunion. 

This is only a blog post, and I just don’t have room to list all the people I’m excited about seeing, but they do all help me make a point – ShutterFest is about education, charging your creative battery and especially friendships! I’ve written this so many times before, but it deserves to be out there again, on this lazy Easter morning.

The best thing about the photographic industry has absolutely NOTHING to do with imaging, but the friendships that come out of everyone’s love for the craft! It’s those friendships that keep me going all year long, and I can’t wait to catch up with old friends and make a few new ones!

​If you follow my blog regularly here’s a warning, I’m about to do an infomercial.  I’m doing three programs at ShutterFest. The first two at 4:30 on Tuesday and Wednesday. I’m still waiting to hear the time on the third one, but it’ll be some time Tuesday night. Both programs focus on easy to implement changes to increase revenue and build a stronger business for 2016. And yeah, I really do love helping you guys find ways to achieve greater success!

See you at ShutterFest! Whether you’re headed to St. Louis or not – wishing you a wonderful Easter Sunday and whether you celebrate the day or not make it a special time with family and friends. As always go for the eleven-second hugs and put work on the back burner for the day. Everything will be waiting for you on Monday!

SkipCohenUniversity – SCU Blog

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