How can I take good pictures of pictures to put on my computer?

Question by AMCgremlin: How can I take good pictures of pictures to put on my computer?
I have alot of very old pictures circa 1900’s and earlier. When I take a picture of the picture it turns out white. Is there a back drop or a certain way the picture should be sitting for it to turn out. Some of the pictures are made of tin.

Best answer:

Answer by fhotoace
Scanning is the best method of digitizing prints to image files.

There are many decent scanners that cost under $ 100 that you can buy for that purpose

The proper way to copy images using a camera is to place two lamps (incandescent are less expensive) at 45 degrees to the image and adjusting them until you have even light covering the print (an external incident light meter is recommended). With the camera on a tripod, using a remote shutter release and the aperture of the lens stopped down two to three stops from wide open, take the shot.

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