Camera settings for pictures on green screen?

Question by 1337Sniper: Camera settings for pictures on green screen?
Alright, so some friends and I will be taking photos of people in front of a green screen for a school event and since this is my first time, i was wondering what settings should i use for my camera (Canon EOS Rebel T3, 18-55 lens) when taking these photos. The photos would be taken indoors. Other tips and tricks for green screening and about a DSLR would be a plus 🙂

Best answer:

Answer by Crim Liar
Shoot in Raw, so you can change the color saturation later, without the artefacts that shooting in other formats produces. Remember not to wear anything the same color as the screen, unless you want the hassle of having to work with an additional mask in post production. Green-screens don’t have to be green; provided the back drop is all one color and has a high color saturation it will work. Keep your lighting even, if you cast shadows onto the backdrop it’s very hard to properly remove them post production – that means soft lighting from the sides, above and below.

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