what does aperture size mean?

Question by ochiba s: what does aperture size mean?

i am in the process of a learning about cameras and lenses and faced by some terms. like
Max. Aperture Size:f/6.3; what does this mean?

Best answer:

Answer by olive.
google is your friend

aperture can be looked at as the almost ‘pupil’ of the camera: it sets the amount of light able to go into the camera.
the maximum the fstop in the aperture, the more light let in, like an f/1.2, and the minimum fstop, such as f/22, the least amount of light let into the camera and photograph.
also, the larger (actually speaking, ‘smaller’) the aperture, the blurrier the background is.
the aperture size of f/6.3 isn’t all that large, so it wouldn’t be that great for indoor photography, unless you’ve got some wicked strobes.

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5 Responses to what does aperture size mean?

  1. B.E.I. says:

    Aperture refers to the f/stop number. It is the size of the opening the lens blades make. The smaller the f/stop number the larger the opening (and the more light that is available to reach the film/sensor).

    For example: f/1.2 is larger than f/1.4>1.8>2.8>3.5…..>f/8>f/11…..and so on. So the largest opening the lens in your example is a f/6.3, which means that it will do ok in a well lit room or outside on a sunny day but would not do very well in a low light situation.

  2. ch.ch.chloe says:

    apeture is how much light is let in my the camera, which affects the sharpness of the image

  3. Conor says:

    the aperture is the part of the lens that can open and close to let in more or less light.
    Aperture blades move to make a hole smaller or larger) the minimum is usually 22 – a very small hole.

    6.3 is the largest size hole that the lens you’re talking about can make. (not very big, so it wouldn’t be a great lens for shooting in low light conditions since it can’t open wide to let in a lot of light. good low light lenses will have a max aperature of 1.4 to 2.8 (about the size fo a half dollar or larger.)

    check out this image to help visualize how it works: http://www.scphoto.com/assets/images/aperture.gif

    [the aperature size can also affect the focus and blur of a picture…if the light were coming through a pin sized hole, everything would be in focus. if you use an aperature of 1.4 things infront and behind your subject will very quickly go out of focus/blurry.]

  4. flash19901 says:

    The aperture/f-stop number is nothing moire than a mathematical ratio between the diameter of the aperture opening and the focal length of the lens.

    Say you have a 50mm lens. If the Maximum aperture diameter is 25mm then you divide the focal length by the aperture diameter and arrive at f/2. Focal length divided by 2. This is a 25mm aperture opening. If this same lens is set to f/8, you divide 50mm by 8 and arrive at 6.25mm for your aperture diameter.

    Say you now have an 80mm lens and you set it to f/8. This would mean your aperture diameter is 10mm. 80/8=10.

    As to the same f/number on different focal length lenses, f/8 is f/8, regardless of which lens it is on. The aperture might be larger on a longer lens, but this merely means that more light has to travel further to reach the film/sensor. The f/number is just the ratio between aperture diameter and lens focal length.

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