Question by blue scissors: Which camera has the fastest shutter speed?
I have an old small digital camera and the slow shutter speed drives me crazy. I swear I have to stand still and make everyone else stand still for a full minute before the camera is finished focusing and the picture is actually taken.
I’m not looking for a large lensed professional camera, just a small, hand held digital camera with the fastest shutter speed known to man!!!
Which should I get?
Best answer:
Answer by IRON MAN
Get a DSLR camera – their shutter speeds are about the fastest you can get.
I had a Nikon D40 DSLR camera and the shutter speed on that was very impressive.
Good luck!
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Get a high speed camera, or a “slow motion camera” They take thousands of pictures every second.
it might not just be slow shutter speed but slow focus and slow copying to the flash memory. so look those specs up too. just because the picture doesn’t show up on your screen yet doesn’t mean it hasn’t been taken
it really depends on what you set your shutterspeed to be… if you have a digital SLR such as Sony DSC F828 you can manually set that… if you have an automatic then it’s pretty impossible…
if you are serious about photography get a dslr, it’s an investment that will make you very very happy.
btw, you can find my works at
i shot those with my old Sony DSC F717, loved that camera = )
canon eos d1 mark 3 has a decent shutter speed
Leica M8, Panasonic Lumix G1, Sigma DP-1 or Epson R-D1s for a combination of (relatively) compact design and low shutter-lag.
The problem you’re experiencing has nothing to do with shutter speed. Its called “shutter lag” – the time between when you press the shutter release and the camera finally takes a picture. Shutter lag is exacerbated when you are using the flash. When not using a flash you can minimize shutter lag by pressing the shutter release 1/2 way down to let the camera focus and set exposure. There really isn’t much you can do when using the flash – it has to recycle (recharge) before it can take another picture.
I suggest going to sites like or and reading the reviews of all the available digicams and see which one has the least shutter lag with and without flash.
Your only other option is a DSLR.
It’s not shutter speed but “next shot delay”. Virtually no delay are the digital SLRS. If you’re talkin’ actual shutter speeds most point and shoots are 1/1500 to 1/2000 of a second.
You’re talking about ‘shutter lag’…not shutter speed. Most new compact digital cameras have fairly minimal shutter lag these days (especially when pre-focused).
You can see how fast some of these newer cameras are in the chart below. The ones closer to the top are the faster ones (least amount of lag) and the ones down near the bottom are the slower ones. So, avoid the ones closer to the bottom. However, not all models may have been tested…