a detailed description of professional photography equipment starting from the camera bag to bodies, lenses, triggers and accessories and everything sufficie…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
a detailed description of professional photography equipment starting from the camera bag to bodies, lenses, triggers and accessories and everything sufficie…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
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what’s in my bag – wedding photography equipment on location, camera bodies
lenses and accessories
would you consider using a set of rechargeable batteries and bring a
charger with you so you minimize the cost of continuously buying new
between the nikon d810 and the canon 5d mark 3 witch one is the sharper
please for taking photos
is this Which Company bag ur using can u please inform
I did a lot or reading on lenses for weddings and seems like a lot of Pros
are using only PRIMES! What’s you take on this?
hey listen i am felling so confused between the sigma 24-105mm and the
canon 24-105mm witch one is the best please can you help me out on this
Excellent Video it is useful for everyone…..!!
Is it 70 – 200mm with IS or Without IS which you are using??
Nice equipment! I was surprised at one statement, that more advanced
photographers get, the wider apertures they want. That, however, isn’t
always the case I think? I’m thinking about landscape photography for
instance where usually a bigger depth of field is desired and therefore, a
smaller aperture. I’m just wondering if less advanced photographers might
go out and say hmmm this lens has a bigger aperture (smaller number) and
therefore it must be better.
Very nice collection. I really liked three lenses especially, 70-200 mm
f/2.8, 24-70 mm and 50 mm f/1.4. I hope one day I will have all those
lenses in my bag too… Keep up good work…
Who insures your gear? I need to insure my equipment as its pricetag has
added tremendously and would have a hard time recovering if lost or broken.
thinking about getting the 70-200mm without IS. (I feel like i can get a
whole other lens with what i save from not getting the one with IS). Will
this one be ok for weddings really? I shoot my first wedding in July and
want to be prepared. Everyone tells me to just suck it up and buy the more
expensive one or a similar. Any recommendations? :)
What about tripods, monopods for flashes???
which prime lens is better 35mm or 50mm….
I really appreciate your honesty in sharing of your “know how” and wish you
many and many good shots!
prime lens rule. btw 24-70 is not sharper than any canon prime
How much do you make a shoot? This guy seems a little cheapskate. XD I’m
surprised you seem to be on a tight budget…. You learned your lesson on a
cheap eBay battery pack melting… You definitely get what you pay for. I
hope you bought a real canon grip because it’s a crime to have any other
cheap third party grip on an expensive canon body, especially if your job
is a profession!
When starting out as a professional with no wedding pictures, How do you
get work when the first thing clients want to see are Photos.
Hey you didn’t do the jokes before? I always enjoyed your joke in the
beginning of the video =)
between the sigma 24-105mm and the canon 24-105mm witch one is the best
please can you help me out on this
Why have 2000 dollar lenses if you are putting a 5 dollar filter on them?
It just kills the optical quality. That’s just wrong.
What a nice kit for wedding photograph. Absolutely nice kit ever.
But I thing that’s very expensive.
Using an expensive lens with a cheap filter is just like having a cheap
lens or shotting through a window…. not a good idea
very very nice len thanksaloot…