What tips do you have for making people comfortable when you take their photograph?

Question by Bad Boy: What tips do you have for making people comfortable when you take their photograph?
Any particular key words you tell them as you take their photograph and do you also have conversations with them as well? Honestly this regards working with models, female or male. Individual or small group.

Best answer:

Answer by Carley S
Well, what they usually do with me is pretend they’re cracking a joke, and as I laugh, they take the photo.
When it started getting old, because I knew my photographer making a joke was just a way to get a good picture of me, I got nervous, so he just started telling me to look at him while he was taking a photo, and he’d be talking to me while he took it(e.g.: “So, how are things lately? Have you seen any *Click* good movies *click* lately?”). He’d also take pictures of me responding to his questions while I posed because, apparently, I looked really calm and relaxed. Not nervous at all.
I hope this helps,
Good luck =)

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