Years later Arthur and I both spoke to a group of photographers in Boston. Arthur did a presentation on creativity, which to this day is one of the best presentations I’ve ever attended. What makes Arthur’s style so unique is his ability to source everything he talks about from his heart. I know that might sound like a funny way to put it, but his sincerity and passion for the craft, as well as his willingness to help artists develop their vision, makes him truly unique.
In this new podcast, Arthur and I talk about the importance of connecting with your clients and establishing the right connection before you start clicking the shutter! Arthur shared a lot of wonderful insight in this new podcast, but nothing beats talking to Arthur in person. If you see Arthur on the schedule for any conference you’re headed to, run don’t walk to grab a seat. And, when it’s over make it a point to introduce yourself. Nobody gives a warmer handshake than Arthur!
A BIG thanks to Arthur for joining me on this new episode and to Bryan Caporicci and Rob Nowell created Weekend Wisdom and helped to kick off a friendship that continues to grow. After only eight months Sprouting Photographer got Best of iTunes’ podcasts in 2014. They’ve now grown to be one of the most listened to podcast in photography!
They recently launched Sprout Studio. I grabbed this shot of Justin, Rob and Sandra in the booth at WPPI. Sprout Studio has some pretty amazing software, designed to get you organized and help you spend time savoring life, instead of chasing the clock to get everything done!
Just click on the image to connect to Sprout Studio and check out their free trial.