A video from a 3 month bird photography expedition to Peru. Please be sure to like this video and subscribe to my channel. Glenn Bartley is a professional na…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
A video from a 3 month bird photography expedition to Peru. Please be sure to like this video and subscribe to my channel. Glenn Bartley is a professional na…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
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Great video glenn.
Wow! What a great video! You gave people a very “real” feel on how is
birding in Perú. BTW,amazing pictures!
Just one thing… The Spot-backed Antbird is, in fact, Scale-backed Antbird.
Thanks for the video!
Hi +Glenn Bartley great videos & advise. Could you help me with the name of
the radio transmitters for the flash you were using at Guango Lodge.
+Shiripuno Lodge check all Glenn’s videos.
Great nice beautiful video photography, u can also publish in Youpic.
Hi, ypur video is blockd by the gema. ( germany )
because some
Pls dont use any musik or anything that has copyright
germany dont know how to get around the gema-block and im shure they’d
enjoy your videos as much as i do !
wonderful as usual – you have great talent and commitment – very well done
What? No Urubamba Valley birds?!
Thanks for coming to peru, I saw the amazing pictures you took, i hope you
came back again soon. Thanks for share some of our so diverse wildlife.
Greeting from Peru =D
Cool video… this is Tim, I met you at Wayqecha. I was the one talking
about SFU, well I got accepted and am now at SFU, been in vancouver a
couple months now. Can’t wait to get back down to the tropics.
I love this video ! Peru it’s a paradise !
Owwww ! PERÚ :d
Glenn – nice work! How did you fund this trip……inquiring minds want to
Simplemente WOW!!! Jajaja Realmente el mejor “Documental” que he visto de
mi amado PERU!!
Great job on the reporting Glenn and great photography as well! It’s really
interesting to see the strange birds in other parts of the world. I always
enjoy your video blogs. Terry Jackson
Hey Glenn – really cool to see this blog after seeing the photos, neat to
get some ecosystem/habitat context in terms of elevation and moisture (big
surprise coming from an ecologist! lol awesome to see you up in the
bofedales of the andes, i have a friend that works on restoring them.
Epic video my friend! Thank you so much!
Cheers Glenn, what an avipleflora (don’t know if thats a real word). Great
shots. Loved the PooToo.
Fantastic! Well spent 26 minutes
Fantastic -as usual- Glenn! Congratulations my friend… you are living my
peru is wonderfull
fascinating birding trip! thanks Glenn for sharing your wonderful