Tips to take professional modelling pictures with a digital camera?

Question by 7inno: Tips to take professional modelling pictures with a digital camera?
I know a lot of work would have to be done by photoshop, but any tips to make them look good before the editing? I.e. lighting etc

Best answer:

Answer by gryphon1911
The amount of work that goes into a pro model shoot is more involved than most people think.

Pro models have hair stylists, make up artists, wardrobe staff all on site. The photographer is in charge of the lighting and setups for the camera. There may also be a prop master or set designer depending on the shoot and what it’s for.

The photographer has to know what the goal of the shoot is and what the client expects. Then they setup their lighting, angles, camera settings to match this.
If you have not, watch a few photo shoots or runway shows on the show “America’s next top model”. That will give you an idea, if not an abbreviated one.

If you wish to replicate this, become a master of lighting, know your equipment inside and out, know posing very well.

As a start look at the portraiture and posing series by Bill Hurter. This is a good start. Also look at the masters of portraiture and model photography. Pick up a copy of Vogue or other high fashion magazines and see what they are doing. Digital Photo Pro magazine might help as well, as sometimes they go over how the lighting and shoot was setup for each frame in the spread.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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