Is it really 2018 already?
I’m not sure how the past year came and went so fast.
I guess it’s true, time flies when you’re having fun!
It was another great year here on the Clickin Moms Blog and many thanks are due to the incredible contributors who are so generous in sharing their knowledge. Here are 11 of the most popular articles from 2017!
11. 5 ways to avoid being bored with your photos by Natalie Greenroyd
Written by Natalie Greenroyd
That one angle, that one detail or that new perspective I’ve never seen before. Those are the things that make me want to pick up my camera.
10. 4 Compelling reasons to underexpose your photos on purpose by Jennifer Kielich
Written by Jennifer Kielich
For me personally, I find that slightly underexposing my pictures whenever possible gives me better results. And here’s why.
8. Is the light low? Keep your pictures brighter with these 4 tips by Cristin More
Written by Cristin More
I’ve developed some tips over my years of shooting in-home to achieve that airy look without using off-camera flash or artificial light.
7. Before and after: A lifestyle newborn edit in Lightroom by Kelly Marleau
Written by Kelly Marleau
My goal when photographing a newborn session is to make the best possible image in camera. Then, I enhance what’s already there during the editing process.
7. 7 ways to make photographing kids 10 times easier by Hayley Johnson
Written by Hayley Johnson
I’ve learned tons of tricks to make photographing kids easier. Today I’m going to share 7 of them. Some may sound ridiculous, but I promise they work!
6. How I get a great sky AND great skin using only natural light by Nicole Houser
Written by Nicole Houser
How the heck are you supposed to get a nicely exposed subject AND a well exposed sky without a flash? Here is how I like to do it.
5. The 3 types of portraits you need to take and how to take them by Kristin Dokoza
Written by Kristin Dokoza
I love a simple beautiful portrait. An uncomplicated frame where the subject’s gaze draws you in. There are many types of portraits to explore.
4. 20 must-use editing tools in Lightroom and Photoshop by the Click Pros
Written by the Click Pros
Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned photographer, this collection of editing tips will leave you trying out a few new things in your digital darkroom.
3. How I edit backlit beach photos in Lightroom and Photoshop by Mickie DeVries
Written by Mickie DeVries
With strong backlighting at the beach, we often have to pick what we want to expose correctly – our subjects or the sky. This is how I edit those photos.
2. 13 pullbacks that show how pro photographers light their images by the Click Pros
Written by the Click Pros
Have you ever looked at an image and been amazed at the light, left to wonder how they did it? Sometimes it’s about turning your subject the right way.
1. 22 poses for successful pictures of kids, families, and adults by the Click Pros
Written by the Click Pros
Posing your subject can be intimidating but it’s a crucial element in getting the best photo possible. From kids to families to adults, here are some tips!

The post The 11 best photography tutorials from 2017 appeared first on Clickin Moms.