Tag Archives: wildlife

How to Use a Flash for Wildlife Photography

pay per click advertising What piece of equipment is the unsung hero of my wildlife photography? It’s not the camera or even the lens, but my flash. A flash opens the door to many possibilities as a wildlife photographer. It … Continue reading

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So, Your Autofocus Isn’t Good Enough for Wildlife Photography?

Partly as an experiment – and partly because I no longer have a copy of the Nikon Z9 – I recently took a lot of wildlife photos with my trusty Nikon Z7 for our upcoming Nikon Z 800mm f/6.3 review. … Continue reading

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Low-Light Wildlife Photography Tips for Beginners

Animals have a tendency to prefer low-light conditions, which is a big challenge in wildlife photography! It’s hard to capture a sharp, well-exposed image after sundown or in a forest, especially with a moving subject. The right settings and a … Continue reading

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Wide Angle Wildlife Photography

When you say “wildlife photographer,” most people probably picture someone in camouflage clothing standing in the distance with a heavy telephoto lens on a tripod. There’s some truth to that stereotype, but it’s not the only type of wildlife photography. … Continue reading

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Do You Need a Fast Aperture Lens for Wildlife Photography?

“Just an f-stop or two.” This basically sums up the benefits of fast telephoto lenses. The difference between $ 3000 and $ 13,000 may be as simple as f/4 versus f/2.8. Is the price – and the weight – worth … Continue reading

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