How to make and take modern style portraits at home without the use of expensive studio equipment. The photoshop side of this technique was published in the …
Video Rating: 4 / 5
How to make and take modern style portraits at home without the use of expensive studio equipment. The photoshop side of this technique was published in the …
Video Rating: 4 / 5
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Finally someone who knows how to get rid of hard shadows! thanks Gav x
that’s british accent?
Seems like some only look for sexual pleasure on youtube…? Well mister,
this is the wrong place, apparently. If your goal however is to discourage
Gavin to post more of these really admirable videos, you’ve got 290000 to
fight up to. Then again it makes me think: if the first – and only! – word
coming up in your mind when seeing this video filled with fun, is ‘pedo’
(as in pedophile is suppose), then your vision of life is dramatically
deformed. I hope you get well soon!
Yes, true!
as usual, Great
I usually never comment anything on YT, but after watching a number of your
videos and seeing how great you interact with that model while using
affordable equipment to take really great shots… well… what can I say,
you’re brilliant. Thanks a ton for the time you spend making those videos;
greatly appreciated!
what magazine?
Mr Hoey, I appreciate you more because you cater for anyone- I’m sure you
have the top equipment possible yet- he sets up a room studio for anyone to
achieve- how considerate is this man
How did you edit the creases out?
Thanks for the idea! I have all the things here, I’ll do that and post a
video response soon!
With you being an “Aspiring Film Maker” then you should know you can
actually film yourself without the aid of others…It’s called a tripod and
then editing afterwards to cut out the bits of you going to the camera to
stop/start recording. Oh no, that would just be too easy
Gavin these are great vids you’ve posted.. learned alot. I noticed you use
CS4, have you used Corel Pro photo shop x2?
i like this, playing and doing job at the same time with your kid.
Great idea to get involve kids while shooting them and nice cheap studio
alternate. Thanks for sharing and keep doing good work.
you should show the finished product
@notatrashpicker i musnt have noticed two screens on his camera then.
Imagine if you accidentally got a cricket ball in with that lot! :'(
This was useful, however I would have like to see the finishing photos.
anybody knows of a similar tut can use to remove wrinkles from back ground?
this is great!!!!!
i like how the child said hello
@Masamagus yay xD
Can i see the photos?
lol i loved it very nice video. i learned something good. thanks for the
vid Gavin!
@MrSvSa hmmm, i don’t think a “pedo” would broadcast his “pedo” techniques
on youtube. only a sick mind (like yours) would go to that place over an
innocent photo shoot that helps others photography young subjects.