Real Estate Photography Tips | | Lightroom Post Processing/Blending with LR/Enfuse, similar to HDR In this video …
Real Estate Photography Tips | | Lightroom Post Processing/Blending with LR/Enfuse, similar to HDR In this video …
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Terrific tutorial. Very professional. You’ve got a new fan. Thank you.
Thanks for watching Cheryl T! (Sorry I can’t reply to your specific comment
for some reason, there’s no Reply link there!)
Awesome Video
The trumpet music made me cringe and almost shove pencils in my ears.
You have filled me with the confidence to go out there and win over
clients, very generous of you to share your skills. Thanks from the UK
I’m very glad I found your video, which was very helpful in achieving the
correct WB. Typically shooting nearly 1000 homes a year, that is one area
that always has taken quite a bit of time to get right. I had not tried
correcting WB prior to running through Enfuse and was amazed at the much
better results doing it that way. The extra step adds to my processing
time, but well worth it. It was great watching another professional use
the tools and yes, even though a long video, there were other tips I picked
up along the way.
Too many people want a short cut to success without taking the time to
really understand what they are doing. Perhaps that led to some of the
less than positive comments about the length. Good job and thank you
Great information thank you for sharing.
Excellent post-processing video! I have a question, do you use the flash
when taking bracketed exposures? Is it preferable to use just one way or
another,or maybe combine them?
Very good detailed information about Lightroom and how to edit photos.
Wondering if its necessary to white balance all the photos before enfacing
as apposed to waiting until after. Is there a benefit?
Wow. Simple way to use this software. Thanks!
great video, thank you!
Thank you Lance, this was very helpful. I appreciate you sharing your tips
and workflow for real estate work. I just downloaded LREnfuse and made a
donation thanks to your demonstration.
Come on 5-7 bracketed photos!! Are you kidding me if you are shooting RAW
you only ever need 3 and usually two is enough even on extremely bright
days with lots of windows in a room. I assume you are not confident enough
to just get the exposure right in camera instead of taking 7!!!! exposures!
I really appreciate this detailed tutorial. thanks a lot!
Thanks for the effort in putting this vid together!
The comments regarding “boring” probably come from the generation noted for
its entitlements, one of which is to be entertained. I don’t use Enfuse
myself, but rather Photomatix Pro just because that’s what I had already
installed. Two ideas I have learned about Lightroom are, for one, a
refresher on using auto-sync. I had forgotten that toggle exists. Secondly,
the technique for dealing with different temperatures in two different
rooms using the brush to adjust locally. While I don’t mind incandescent
lights looking warm, sometimes it gets to be extreme, so it’s good to know
how to cool that other room down some. Well done!
Great video It was very helpful. As others mentioned I would have cut out
some of the edit proces but I did learn some from that as well. Question
what is your computer setup I like the speed that it is running at. Ram,
processor and are you running a flash hard drive? Thanks.
Great job! Thanks for spending the time to share with us.
It’s like having a professional teacher standing there with you.
Good Job, thank you for your time and experience
I like the format. Yes, it is lengthy, but very informative. And the
beauty of ONLINE instruction, is the ‘teacher’ doesn’t know if you paused
the video, to grab a cup of coffee, or go out for a walk. Psst, I am
still here!
Excellent video. Picked up a few tips :-)
Love the video. I’m considering adding just a little fill light. Do you
think that’ll work with your technique.
I have to say, I learned a lot watching this video. I’m using a combination
of flash and Enfuse for my interiors photography and this was, by far, the
most helpful tutorial I’ve seen. Very, very well done. Thank you.
I did have one question though. Why do you bracket for 7 shots and then
take away 2? Wouldn’t it be easier to just bracket for 5?
+UEPVideos , You nailed it!! Thank you very much for your time and
dedication. This tutorial is really, really good.
I do not know if I am missing a step? I keep getting an error message
AgImportSession.addOnePhotoToLibrary: failed to import photo to library