Ramesh Raskar: Imaging at a trillion frames per second

http://www.ted.com Ramesh Raskar presents femto-photography, a new type of imaging so fast it visualizes the world one trillion frames per second, so detaile…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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25 Responses to Ramesh Raskar: Imaging at a trillion frames per second

  1. Joseph Dember says:

    I thought that I understood what light was supposed to look like but now
    I’m confused again.

  2. Abraham rugato says:

    Screw scientific applications. I can finally take a picture of my wife with
    her mouth shut. My life is now complete.

  3. ElvenArcher says:

    are there any detailed explanations anywhere? Especially the working
    principles of the camera? It seems cool but can be faked easily. The setup
    looks fishy.

  4. DieselElevators says:

    You could use this to see lightening traveling in the future.

  5. White People says:

    Hmmm..I really feel like buying a Coca-Cola now. Don’t know why.

  6. Rum Dreg says:

    The guy is talking about a trillion in the SHORT SCALE which is equivalent
    to a billion in the LONG SCALE.

  7. Ravi Masand says:

    Photography, electronics, photonics, computation, relativistic mechanics
    and other mind blowing cornucopia – all rendered comprehensible in a
    brilliant desi accent.

    Ramesh Raskar: Imaging at a trillion frames per second

  8. Al Owski says:

    Ramesh Raskar: Imaging at a trillion frames per s…:

  9. Solartpilar says:

    Muy interesante dar con esta información, y más aun que provenga de
    Edinburgh Scotland en el 2012, habrá que investigar.

  10. Eduardo Garaicoa says:

    The new dimension of photography: Time
    See how light moves thru objects

  11. CSee Thru says:

    *Video* Ramesh Raskar: Imaging at a trillion frames per second

  12. Kees de Jong says:

    Yeahh, science is cool. Very, very cool.


    gonna be on iphone8

  14. Maharlikang Pilipino says:

    now i’ve seen everything

  15. poko piko says:

    nature has the best video effects!!!!!!! pure analog babies! ;)

  16. ArchimedesWorld says:

    @WhitePeople lol I get it!
    You funny!

  17. LittleCheekyInTheBackyard says:

    Can somebody make a subtitle to this video, please?
    I’m not a native English speaker and I can barely understand what he says,
    his accent puzzles me.

  18. jedrzejku says:

    this is unnatural

  19. peter griffin says:

    Don’t know how I missed this, from TED in 2012. Photography at a trillion
    frames a second! Mind thoda blown.

  20. aditya padhy says:

    Femto photography !

  21. LA X says:


  22. DIAMINEO says:

    ” yeahh , science mr. white” :D:D:D

  23. dauphinkick says:

    Capturing the traversal of light with Femtosecond Photography

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