One of the mistakes I made early on was showing up to a photo shoot and hoping things would work out for themselves. When my shoots weren’t faring the way I …
Video Rating: 4 / 5
One of the mistakes I made early on was showing up to a photo shoot and hoping things would work out for themselves. When my shoots weren’t faring the way I …
Video Rating: 4 / 5
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Great videos Jasmine!
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wow your videos are soooo helpfull thank you!!!
I am just starting out and I find your tips most helpful
if you boys expect to get ripped much faster without wasting a single extra minute in the gym, then you have to look at this video SIXPP.COM
Now pastor Jón Prímus laughed. Philosophy and theology have no effect on him, much less plain common sense. Impossible to convince this man by arguments
please can you tell whats the lens you are using
Hey you slowed down with that taking. You still at times speed up. it’s hard to fallow. Thanks for the tips.
Jasmine you are a great photographer and i do respect you, but why do you have ‘Star’ as your last name…it makes you sound like a porn actress. Your Mexican right, did you not want white people to know you’re Latina for business reasons?
no not necessarily for example david loftus the photographer of jamie oliver the international well known cook uses only natural light to picture the food although he has a hassleblad and very expensive stuff so no i disagree with u sir
“I’m a natural light photographer” == I don’t know how to use external lights
To be perfectly honest, that taught us nothing. The title says ‘posing tips’ – where were they?!
I like this video. I’m interested in your side bag. What bag is that and what do you keep in there?
how do set up your camera for shooting outdoor without flash light?
what lems do you shoot with and are you always on manual
i totally dig your boots…and i love how share your talents with everyone…thank you!
You are an awesome photographer!! Awesome video too. This has helped me tremendously
PLEASE do more of these. Directing people is what I have the most trouble with. I’m not a very confident person and I think it shows when I’m meeting strangers and trying to tell them what to do yet at the same time I don’t really know what I want them to do lol. if that makes any sense.
Great vid!!!
Less of you talking to the camera and more of the shoot, PLEASE.
Hello Jasmine, This is my first time seeing your video and visiting your site and just by your personality and openness I am already comfortable with you and I’m not even a client of yours. I am an up and coming photographer and just by your personality I know what is needed first before even shooting a photo shoot and that is..well a great, and open personality. And I love the fact that you are helpful to other photographers as this is a very competitive field. Thank You!
your name is so porn star like :)))
Need a job with your? photography skills Get paid to submit your photos! got to
I never comment on Youtube, but I gotta thank you for creating these helpful videos. I especially love the posing tips. Thanks for all you do for other photographers. I’ve been following your blog and Facebook page. I’m glad there are still nice and generous people out there. It’s hard to find that in this business. You’re fabulous! I never thought I’d say this to someone I haven’t even met, but I love you!
I love your spunk! And I love the fact that you shoot in natural light! I absolutely am a fan!!!! Kudos on your work, awesome!
Great tips jasmin. I need to show more in my vids