This website is loaded with useful tips on photography that will help you get familiar with your camera settings. You will learn how to take good pictures and how to photograph like a pro using our photography tips.
Okay. I’m irritated. My brother sleeps in the opposite room. I’m bothered because he just turned brilliant at obtaining all women. He went to the Master Attraction site by Jake Ayres (Search in Google). All he’s doing now is fucking women. He’s consistently getting women back. I hear it, which is disgusting and I wish he never discovered that site.
gorgeous!,thanks for the tips
WHAT PROGRAM DID YOU USE TO EDIT THIS VIDEO ,.,. can you email me the answer thankyou
Okay. I’m irritated. My brother sleeps in the opposite room. I’m bothered because he just turned brilliant at obtaining all women. He went to the Master Attraction site by Jake Ayres (Search in Google). All he’s doing now is fucking women. He’s consistently getting women back. I hear it, which is disgusting and I wish he never discovered that site.
JESUS CHRIST said: Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Seek JESUS CHRIST, seek Salvation, turn to Him !
Great tips! Thanks a lot!
What f stop and shutter speed were you using with the white fabric? I love that shot and would like to try it soon!
Thank you, such great tips
Thank you really motivating … I just don’t like the watch
is she standing or on her knees? and do you have just one light or two? thank you
Hey there! Have you tried photo sfxart tricks (google it)? My cooworker Daniel made some awesome photography with their video tutorials.
hi Julie thx for your tips, I hope I will have the chance to try the myself!
The first client is excellently posed, but I disagree on the black backdrop. It makes it difficult to see the outline of her hair.
i really wanna do it now!!! can you give me an advise for camera settings????
thanks for the info.. i will try to my sis..! ol.
Hey that was really cool. Your posing always seems to come out so nice. Emotive. Thanks
thank you so much julie, you are always an inspiration!
Love this one!
Love this one!
nice vid
please, more pregnancy tips
I love your video’s. Im a photographer based in England and specialise in babies, bumps and families xx