In this video I discuss some field photography techniques for how to locate, observe and then photograph a bird. In this case I am trying to photograph the S…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
In this video I discuss some field photography techniques for how to locate, observe and then photograph a bird. In this case I am trying to photograph the S…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
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Sorry about the wind noise everyone ;-)
Please invest in a video mic..I couldnt watch it because all the wind and
banging noises..sorry.
It’s very difficult to hear you, especially early in the video.
Check out and share my latest video – How to Photograph Birds in the Field.
Did you use your flash + better beamer on some of those shots?
Check out and share my latest video – How to Photograph Birds in the Field.
some of this stuff dosent matter to much if you can get closer to te bird!
if you doesnt have a 400mm, 500mm or even long lens, it’s hard to get this
result whitout a lot of patience,some luck, and also a good camuflage,
specialy with very shy birds. (sorry for my bad english
Check out and share my latest video – How to Photograph Birds in the Field.
Glenn, the sound problem I reported was an issue with my browser: Safari on
Mac OS 10.9. Sorry for the complaint.
Good point about knowing the calls. That’s how I finally got some shots of
a Belted King Fisher. He was hidden far away in some trees, but since I
knew his call, I located him with binoculars, then waited for him to come
out and move closer :).
Check out and share my latest video – How to Photograph Birds in the Field.
Check out and share my latest video – How to Photograph Birds in the Field.