We are pleased to announce that our Nikon 1 eBook, The Little Camera That Could, has been published and is now available online. This 210-page eBook chronicles my journey with the Nikon 1 camera system and features over 450 original images. I suppose one of the first questions that many Photography Life readers may be asking themselves is, “Why would anyone write a book about Nikon 1?” Well, the answer is pretty simple. First, it was a fun and enjoyable project. Second, I have had numerous Nikon 1 owners contact me over the past couple of years, sharing their intentions to keep shooting with their Nikon 1 gear even if it ends up getting discontinued by Nikon down the road. I decided since there were quite a few people that enjoy using The Little Camera That Could as much as I do, I’d write an eBook on it. What follows are some JPEGs of individual pages from The Little Camera That Could. These were made from the eBook’s PDF file and as such have lost a bit of quality when compared to the actual book.