Ana Brandt from TAoPaN http://www.theartofpregnancyandnewborn.net and http://www.bellybabylove.com show you how she poses 5 day old Baby Aria in a bucket. St…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Ana Brandt from TAoPaN http://www.theartofpregnancyandnewborn.net and http://www.bellybabylove.com show you how she poses 5 day old Baby Aria in a bucket. St…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
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Hi plz from where I can find like this basket and ur wood background !!
Where do you get those tiny diaper covers/
I was curious if you edit your photos and if so with what ?
I love your work Ana!
Are you shooting on auto? I don’t see you focusing. Thanks!
Exactly what lighting are you using? I have my first newborn this week and
have a couple options on lighting. The room will have some natural light
but I second guess myself.
Nice tutorial!!! I am getting ready to do a newborn shoot. My question is
the scissor mount. I can only imagine that it is holding a studio strobe. I
have an Einstein and would love to get a wall mount that will support it
and a softbox. Thank you
Can you share the dimensions of the rough cut plank background used in this
session. I would like to build something similar to this.
I always enjoy watching your tutorial. You are a truly good teacher!!
thank you.
I am addicted to your tutorials! Not just cuz I love photography but I
adore babies, I love how soft and natural you are around them, you really
know how to calm them down, it’s magical!
You are so tender with the babies. I’ve been learning a lot from your
videos, wish I had found them before my babies became monster toddlers.
Thanks for sharing.
I love that wood background
did you make it? curious how I could?
Ana, did you make the background flooring in this video or purchase it? If
so, where?
what camera and lens do you use?
Brilliant vid! Thank you so much!
WOW..so pretty video…thanks for sharing
what phone app is that?
white noise – to keep the baby calm
no flash – alien bees
Telson 501.4 works best for newborns.
Amazing how you keep changing the baby’s pose without waking her up! May I
ask what was the lens?!
you are amazing! i love it
What software do you use to edit your photos
they are both great lenses –
I love your tutorials and images ^_^
so can not remember!