http://improvephotography.com Join me on this shoot in Idaho as I shoot landscape photography while the sun rises over a beautiful field of wildflowers. In t…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
http://improvephotography.com Join me on this shoot in Idaho as I shoot landscape photography while the sun rises over a beautiful field of wildflowers. In t…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
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@bigbikes750 A little venom never hurt anybody, right?
Great shot. I agreed with what you shared. I am stuck on something
currently. I’ve learned about focus stacking and I think that would have
helped in your photo in order to preserve detail in the backgrouind. But
I”m trying to figure out if it’s possible to focus stack AND bracket. I
have a sense of how to do that in camera. But then what? Not sure how to
handle that post production. Wondering if anyone has any comments?
Regardless, great shot and thanks for sharing Jim!
Awesome! Thank you!
did you use photomatix to combine them or photoshop?
nice shots
Hi Jim, were do you focus ? I cant figure it out
Afternoon! Have you tried photo sfxart tricks (do a google search)? My work
buddy Annie made some stunning pictures with their video lessons.
Cry. Just cry.
Nice video Jim. Well Done. Hope theres no snakes in the marsh . Cheers
Buddy Peter
Great shots
I thought you weren’t suppose to soak your tripod past the first segment in
the legs. o_O
What camera and lens do you use?
I tell you how to handle it. The easiest way is to manually adjust all your
exposures so little correction is needed in PS and then blend for depth of
field. After you have the depth of field blend – you can work on the
dynamic range. Either that or next time use graduated ND filters and just
focus stack.
what lens did you use? beautiful photography!
@Pellum151 I wonder what you think makes a good photograph.
The blending techniques are pretty simple since the camera didn’t move and
assuming there is no movement in the flowers. You can manually blend in
Photoshop using layer masks. If you need more info email me…
Jim I forgot to ask you. Were you using any type of filters on your lens
for these shots?? Thanks
Amazing shots!
What would you do if your camera fell off your tripod at the end of the
@bigbikes750 No filters for any of these shots. If I wouldn’t have
forgotten it in the car, I would have used a graduated neutral density
filter. Since I forgot it, I shot in HDR.
great video.
nikon d7000 and tokina 11-16