Is it illegal to photograph a brand name car such as a lamborghini or ferrari and sell it?

Question by Cincinnati O: Is it illegal to photograph a brand name car such as a lamborghini or ferrari and sell it?
Is it illegal to sell a photograph you take of a ferrari, lamborghini, etc you see on the road or parked in public?
What about other vehicles such as airplanes, jets, semi trucks, etc?

Best answer:

Answer by Mere_Mortal
Not at all. Go for it.

Try to avoid the license plate on a personal vehicle if you can. But it isn’t absolutely necessary.

For vehicle shots I recommend a 6x7cm format or bigger. With 4×5″ being pretty close to ideal. Also, avoid high contrast film such as Velvia go with Astia. I have found that works best.

“Publication of Photographs: Is A Release Required?


If you decide to use a photograph without a release make certain it was obtained without trespassing on private property, that it does not violate an individual’s right of privacy or publicity or that it is protected by a First Amendment use.

Releases are generally not required from people who are identifiable in a photograph of a street or public place, provided that the photograph is reasonably related to the subject matter and the identifiable people are not the focus of the photograph. An example of a permitted use would be a photograph of the Rockefeller Center Ice Rink that was used to illustrate a book about Rockefeller Center or about New York City attractions, even though many people may be identifiable.


Although property does not enjoy a right to privacy or publicity that there are other bodies of the law that might prohibit or restrict the unauthorized use of a photograph containing property. These bodies of law may include among others contract, trademark, unfair competition, copyright and trespass law.

The guiding principle, that of course is muddled with exceptions, is that as long as a photograph of private property is taken while the photographer is on public property or on property that is open to the public then it is permissible to publish that photograph without permission from the owner of the property.”

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