Tune in every other Monday to learn firsthand how to film, edit and shoot like the pros, from your favorite videographers and photographers in skateboarding!…
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Tune in every other Monday to learn firsthand how to film, edit and shoot like the pros, from your favorite videographers and photographers in skateboarding!…
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A skateboarding video staple … learn timelapse with cinematographer Ricki
Bedenbaugh an this week’s In Focus! if you have tutorials you would like to
see, let us know in the comments!
Great help mate- thank you !
1:31 did any one else see the yellow truck with a skateboarding rhino on
best way, film the background first, then film the skater, then I’m fcp use
a mask layer,
I’m not sure he did, I don’t think most go to college. A lot of it is self
taught, I’ve self taught myself with Final Cut and Photoshop and soon
Lightroom and I’m only 16. Normally you do have to choose one or the other
and have the other as just a hobbie. It’s unfortunate you have to choose,
but that’s how it normally is. You can learn many things from Yahoo!
Answers and blogs or postboards. Just keep experimenting, you’ll get there!
What about an In Focus about shooting photo sequences and compositing them
as one image in Photoshop?
Final Cut rendering…we meet again…
Do one on how to color grade properly !!
What is the best way to export a time lapse video with the best qualities?
i tried exporting as a Quicktime/animation, but my video ended up freezing
after playing for a couple seconds
I’m new to filming and just started editing and filming with my friends!
Check out my channel guys! i have two videos up so far and i want to know
what people think. If I’m doing okay or anything. I’m open to criticism
because it will only make me better! if you have time check my videos out
and i hope you like them
The EX1 / EX1r also does a great timelapse and you can set your shutter
speed to get motion blur. DSLR is great for night shots when shooting
stars. A video camera will not get the details of a star shoot.
I have to try this After Effects program. It looks great. I think I have
run all the options in my PowerDirector and want to learn more.
there should be some how to’s on editing
you could also use magic lantern
Can a vx2100 time lapse plz help
awesome! thank you!
This is kind of way too complex. You export the photos directly from
Quicktime Pro into a Pro Res File or anything else, that way you don’t have
to deal with after effects, and it cuts the steps down… Not everybody has
after effects… You also won’t have to render everything.
An instruction video on filming lines would be nice. I feel okay doing them
for the most part, but I’m always bumping into things (walls, poles, cracks
in concrete, the skater, haha) or I either get way behind or way too close.
I just need some basics I guess, haha
How to perfect filming lines
Really interesting watch! Thanks Ride!
you’ve only spent one so far?