How To Take Good Pictures No Matter What Camera You Use

Wouldn’t it be great to know how to take good pictures, no matter which camera you use? Your first step is to acquire a basic understanding of some principles that pro photographers use on a regular basis to make simple things look stunning, using just their camera and their creative imagination. Once you understand these elementary principles, you will soon realize that the quality of the pictures you take depend more on you, the photographer, than on the megapixels your camera offers.

First of all, take note of where the sun is positioned when you take outdoor shots. In general, pictures turn out best when the sun is shining toward the subject, so try to keep the sun at your back. Lighting has a huge impact on the quality of a picture. Without the proper lighting, even a high megapixel camera can’t take a nice picture.

When taking photos indoors, it can be challenging if not impossible to control lighting. So instead of focusing on what you can’t control, focus on what you can: yourself. Position yourself to make best use of whatever light you have. Avoid including a direct bright light in the photo, since that would tend to make the rest of the picture look darker. Move around the room to find which angle captures the right proportion of light.

Another important tip to keep in mind as you learn how to take good pictures is to off-center the subject in your photos. Instead of putting them right in the center, put them to the right or left. It just looks more professional. So for example, if you are taking a picture of a friend in front of a beautiful landscape, the landscape should be in the center and to one side of the photo. The one exception to this rule is if you are taking a group photo and the surroundings do not matter. In that situation, you would definitely want to center the group on the photo.

In addition to off-centering the subject, try repositioning yourself to take the same photo at different angles. You could try an upward looking shot by squatting down and taking the photo. Or stand on top of something to take a downward looking shot.

I’ve covered only a few of many photo taking tips that you can implement right away to start taking better pictures. With your new knowledge of how to take good pictures, you’ll be impressed at how good you can make your photos look, no matter what camera you use. So get on out there and start practicing what you just learned.

Gavin Sauder is a professional videographer at Sauder Movies. He shares photo and video tips online for others to gain a deeper understanding into the world of photography and videography.

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