Having a controlled environment makes it much easier to give your photos the right look. Watch this video for all the tips and ad…
Video Rating: 3 / 5 Having a controlled environment makes it much easier to give your photos the right look. Watch this video for all the tips and ad…
Video Rating: 3 / 5
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Hey, do you know you can take an awesome picture using your regular camera?
I CAN. You just need to know the secret no other photographers will ever
share with you. But I WILL SHARE with you. Just Google: “MASTERING
PHOTOGRAPHY IN SECONDS”. Start taking better pictures now!
What a tripod !!
This was like a watching a video on how simple surgery might be to
conduct:: Simply wash you hands with a good antiviral soap, and be sure to
cut your insition in a straight line…..
two and half years ago this was pretty crappy too. interesting that
panasonic let this run. i guess it was any attempt to go up again canon and
nikon in the prosumer arena. how’d that work out for you guys?
Wow… I’ve seen much better home video’s of home studio setups on
Youtube… and this is coming from a company with a small budget more than
some peoples annual income.
Love the tripod, seems overkill.
This was basically an advert for the camera. Didn’t help me at all.
wow, this video is really half-assed. Kudos on that view count.
You can’t control it. When the sun is up, you can’t make it go down. You
can modify it in certain ways, but you can’t actually control it.
SUB x SUB Watch the video I posted “photo studio behind camera”
Don’t forget to shoot in RAW :p
If yo are interested in photograph ,you can browse my channel ,wish you
like it and sub it .welcome to share the recources with each other.Thank
you very much.
She’s ugly.
Well, good enough.. Well done!
@m0n4c3 seamless white paper roll
why do you use landscape mode for a portrait? .. i thought humans are
higher than wide .. a simple 90° would be much more efficient!
Question: Is it possible to use a big LED Flashlight with a car sun
reflector as an alternative light tool? I’m trying to use everyday items
for taking portraits.
Learn before you teach!!! You’re not copying a two dimensional subject such
as an old photo or a work of art. The lighting is not flattering to the
subject and you have terrible cross shadows on the background. This is
nothing more than throwing light at a subject, not unlike throwing over
ripe tomatoes or a cream pie at a politician. I remember a time when people
learned their craft before they tried to teach it. Digital makes for easy
access but doesn’t make one a master of the craft.
@bernhardtsen74 LMAO… That’s what I shoot with currently
What kind of light are those? Let me know thanks
Where are local places that I can get that thick white paper? What about
Home Depot or some place like that?
Don’t forget diffusers. You can use them between the model and the sun to
soften the light like done with any other light source.
Big tripod for a tiny camera.
This is so n00b…
We can certainly tell whose responses aren’t from professionals.