How To: Photograph Plastic Models, Pt.2

This method works well with any type of models and in most scales, including some quite large kits in 1/24. Just adjust the background paper accordingly. Tha…

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25 Responses to How To: Photograph Plastic Models, Pt.2

  1. GerbilEssences says:

    Well if it brings home the bacon. AS long as you get enough sleep (i.e. I
    take 7 hours, no more no less) 😉 The next time he actually makes a video,
    I will be sure to discuss it in a cold and analytical fashion. Whenever
    that is…

  2. Rob BasicModelling says:

    This method should work well, if you can get a large paper sheet.. 🙂

  3. Rob BasicModelling says:

    My work is very regular.. I only work nights.. I don’t want a day job
    (until I have to) as the freedom of working nights far outweighs any
    negative sides. Also it’s slightly better paid, even though we had to take
    a pay cut from April.. (Night Shift only). Just sitting on the computer for
    a little while now, then I’ll go back to sleep again. When I’ve first woken
    up it takes a while to settle again. 🙂 Just had a comment from K on my
    space alien video (CurtisW) so at least he is STILL with us.

  4. GerbilEssences says:

    Video evidence would be impressive 😉 I got the pictures thanks! Problem is
    yahoo mail won’t let me download all at once, so it’s very slow progress
    saving to desktop >:( Perhaps you can upload them to flickr?

  5. Blargal D'Alien says:

    80 ” long? I am thinking 2 sheets,and 2 widthwise,to be up the wall. I have
    moved,put the charge on my account. on account I am a skinflint.

  6. scaleaircraft says:


  7. Rob BasicModelling says:

    I can’t remember which one is the bad one, the single- or the two-seater!
    But whilst one is really good, the other kit is one sea of flash… The
    moulds can’t have closed properly and the plastic must have leaked
    everywhere.. Why it even ended up in a box and on the market is beyond my
    understanding! I may start the MiG tonight if I’m not too tired.. slept
    badly today! I need something to do while the P-39’s are drying or
    whatever.. as if an AH-1 Cobra, a P-47 and the Sahariana wasn’t enough! 🙂

  8. Rob BasicModelling says:

    Well, mein lieber Herr Baron.. it said in the text that I PREFER light
    blue.. but obviously you can use ANY kind of paper.. In your case placing
    the model inside a brown paper bag probably will be the best!! 🙂 🙂 🙂
    Sorry.. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.. I am only joking! Now I’m off to work
    though.. The weekend has gone only too fast, as usual! But I have nearly
    completed TWO P-39’s in 1/72 scale since Friday night.. at least the gluing
    stage! The painting will take the rest of the week no doubt!

  9. Rob BasicModelling says:

    I saw the ‘D-Day’ programme as well, in the middle of the night as I
    couldn’t sleep due to the hot weather.. very interesting and well made!! I
    have done ALL of the small AA guns now, just a few more of another set of
    guns to do, which I’ll probably finish off tomorrow morning! In the evening
    tomorrow I won’t get any built as it is time for the monthly club meeting
    again, and I want to go.. I think I will bring my little 1/144 scale F-14
    Tomcat tomorrow, it hasn’t been to the club yet.. 🙂

  10. GerbilEssences says:

    Hehe, yeah brown sauce or Tabasco are better for certain items 🙂 Suffice
    to say I won’t be doing any washing on my models, panel lines etc will need
    to be done carefully with a black marker – and then only if it flies. Just
    printed off a very detailed PZL11c plan, watch this space…

  11. Rob BasicModelling says:

    Very useful for ANY kind of object really.. like hats, coins, banknotes,
    paper cars.. stamps. Finnish Air Force Open Day tickets.. you name it, you
    can use it! 🙂 I wouldn’t expect to use it on the Spanish Inquisition,

  12. theloathlydaddy says:

    Wow, that is very cool and very informative! Sometimes the simplest of
    methods achieve the best results, amazing. And the models all look
    terrific, great video!

  13. Rob BasicModelling says:

    A bedsheet.. That’s your answer.. 🙂 🙂 Problem solved… The bill will be
    in the post tomorrow! 🙂

  14. GerbilEssences says:

    I gave up on the HobbyBoss wildcat, but it still makes a good shape
    reference for the balsa one. What make is the mig? Yep the only half decent
    PZL11c kit requires some major adjustments, more than I cared to give 😉
    Still it did fuel my interest in the fighter (I just ordered a good book,
    hopefully with details on the structures I want to replicate in wood!).
    Good luck getting one!

  15. Rob BasicModelling says:

    I made and posted Pt.1 ages ago.. 🙂 🙂 Glad you found it, video responses
    are handy… 🙂

  16. Rob BasicModelling says:

    When the light is right, it makes a big difference.. I prefer this method
    now, as it gives a neutral background and makes the models show better.. 🙂
    Thank you.. 🙂

  17. Rob BasicModelling says:

    It’s a good way of photographing models without getting the clutter in te
    background.. 🙂

  18. BaronKrolok says:

    actually, that’s the method photographers use in the studio. they have
    rolls of paper hanging from the ceiling, and its called “endless horizon”
    (at lleast in german, “endloser Horizont”)… does it work only with light
    blue paper, or may I use any paper, e.g a new(s) paper?

  19. Rob BasicModelling says:

    Does that mean the writing’s on the wall?? 🙂

  20. Rob BasicModelling says:

    That isn’t white camo on the wheels, that is SNOW.. it used to be in a
    small diorama, which I dropped on the floor and broke and without the
    diorama (a snow landscape) it doesn’t look right. But I take it you noted
    the tracks were painted white too for the same reason. Like I said, without
    the diorama you may get the wrong impression! I made the tank and the
    planes well before I started using washes.. and won’t ruin them now by
    adding any! I’m happy with them and that’s good enough for me.. 🙂

  21. Rob BasicModelling says:

    I did apply for prtnership.. but alas.. no.. not good enough, interesting
    enough or with a big enough following 🙂

  22. GerbilEssences says:

    Good to see you are busy with P-39’s. What is the sahariana? Which P-47 are
    you doing?

  23. Rob BasicModelling says:

    Yes, it’s the HobbyBoss kit.. it’s not a bad kit, but as usual it lacks any
    real cockpit detail.. The landing gear legs are too long as well and need
    shortening.. 🙂

  24. Rob BasicModelling says:

    Thank you.. 🙂

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