Shop at B&H: http://www.bandh.com Nicole Fara Silver Photography: http://www.nicolefarasilver.com Music festivals are increasing in popularity by the day-dur…
Video Rating: 3 / 5
Shop at B&H: http://www.bandh.com Nicole Fara Silver Photography: http://www.nicolefarasilver.com Music festivals are increasing in popularity by the day-dur…
Video Rating: 3 / 5
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I fall into sleep few times durin those half hours, but each time I did
something like loud burp wake me up :O
I literally only got five minutes into the video listening to her throat
gurgle. Its disgusting, she might have had something good to say but i
nearly threw up twice. I hope in the future you fix the audio.
Her photos are awesome but I found this video lacking in technical
I got about 14 minutes into it – was hoping for a more technical
presentation. I understand that it’s important to take care of oneself
while working a busy music festival, but it just didn’t seem that it was
going to get beyond the food and hydration aspect.
omgosh… a pretty ordinary slideshow with no technical or preparation
information, which is atypical of other B&H videos that are informative and
showcase unique and stellar images. Most of her pictures can be described
as snapshots that are devoid of any connectivity between the musicians and
the camera, especially the portrait ones (no gestures or expressions,
they’re just “there”). Had she been using an iPhone: quality-wise, DSLR
would be better; artistically tho, one couldnt tell the difference. I’m
really not trying to be mean, she has great potential and a firm foot in
the door, but her pics would be hardcore if she took shots that weren’t the
typical shots from eye-level, and such.
Title says “HOW” to photograph, not these are the pictures I took.
Useless. Dont really care what she took, I wanted to know HOW she took
them. Settings, tech specs. Dark atmosphere, did she use flash, what kind,
where was it.
I ca attest that if I don’t eat or drink plenty of water I WILL turn into
Mr. Hyde. LOL Cranky as hell. At 12:40 Us guitarist need love too. LOL
I’m trying to choose between a Nikon 70-200 2.8 VR & a Nikon 70-200 f4 VR.
I want to be able to get good shots at indoor concerts using a Nikon D810,
which lens would be better? Thanks.
I could only watch 12mins of this clip, it’s like watching an Aunt showing
off their slides from their holiday. It would be very helpful for
photographers if she spoke about her equipment, what kind of settings she
uses and stuff that’s relevant to photography. Would luv to know what her
process is for photography and getting the picture, not just see the actual
I am not hearing any throat gurgle, but my first thought upon reading the
comments was, “sheesh, a little harsh aren’t we?”. Her voice does not
seem unpleasant. Maybe B&H edited the sound before I heard it, but sheesh.
I would have liked some more technical information. How does one get a
photographers pass to a concert? What lens(es) does she favor, since it
sounds like this is quite a challenging situation? (I often take photos and
video for my son and the various musicians he has performed with so I get
that a little bit.) How does she deal with the differing lighting? How does
she build that trust with talent, once they know she is shooting them? Are
there any tips and tricks for that?
Sorry, I couldn’t watch the whole video. Didn’t really learn anything.
I’m also a concert photographer but I couldn’t recommend this video to a
I’im a music photographer too and i just love doing festival..lot of work
but lot of fun! :o)
Stop whining! It’s free content take what you can from it and move on.
Bashing her speaking style makes you sound like pretentious asses.
How to Photograph Music Festivals with Nicole Fara Silver at B&H
#Photography http://ow.ly/BexiV