How to Photograph a Wedding – Avoiding Bad Venues

What if you are asked to shoot a wedding at an impossibly difficult time and venue?

There may be some times and venues that you would rather not accept, for example a shabby registry office to an equally shabby bowling club in mid winter! Nothing is more damaging to future business than an album of inferior prints that are partly the result of a badly located wedding. Yes, you should be able to produce the goods under any circumstances, but why make things difficult for yourself in the first place!

I once photographed the weddings of three sisters, two in the same church and two at the same venue. The third sister chose a different church and a different venue and in the middle of winter!

I produced excellent shots, however the bride didn’t like them as much as she did her sisters. They were all taken indoors in less than attractive church, which was the best of a bad choice, with the reception hall being even worse!

I learned a lot from that situation. It’s better to refuse the wedding, especially when you know the standards that were expected from the couple after having seen their sisters shots.

There is a relatively simple method of dealing with this type of enquiry without appearing disrespectful to the enquirer. On answering the phone say that you must first of all establish your availability on the requested date. Whilst you are ‘leafing through’ your diary, engage the caller in conversation and ask where they are being married and where the reception will be held. If you know that the time and venues are nor conducive to good photography say that you are already booked on that day.

The alternative to this approach is to be frank and honest, saying that you would rather not do the job because you consider that the venue is not suitable for good wedding photography. You could, however suggest an alternative venue for the photographs. You must decide for yourself, which you feel most comfortable with.

Remember, you reputation will most likely suffer.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have written a comprehensive guide on wedding and group photography.

Visit my site for more information Wedding and Group Photography Guide

Bobby is a photographer and author. He has been commissioned to shoot thousands of events, including weddings.

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