Some quick pointers on capturing the setting (And rising) sun with your digital camera. Any camera can produce good shots of the setting sun. Composition and…
Some quick pointers on capturing the setting (And rising) sun with your digital camera. Any camera can produce good shots of the setting sun. Composition and…
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Wish I was a horse. I would whinnied, reared, and galloped into the sunset.
Like a horse.
Do you have any tutorial on how to use manual controls for portrait photos
using s90? I have one and need some guidance on how to go about using this.
@lezzzzurable It all depends on what sort of effect you want. If you want
the water to be almost misty then use a HOYA NDX400 filter (My opinion) and
set your shutter speed to about 30+ seconds..ISO: around 200. If you want a
burst effect on the sun use an aperture of around 20 and the light will
fringe around the aperture blades and created a nice effect. But as I say
you may want to capture the ripples of water.
awesome! im using a canon 60d, can you tell me the best settings of shutter
speed, aperture and iso.. thanks!
@Gforce19842009 Thanks. Nope, this camera doesn’t accept filters. Just
natural colors of the sky.
@lezzzzurable No real best setting but here’s what I’d start with: Set ISO
to 100 if hand holding the camera, set your camera to TV Shutter Priority
mode and use 1/125 or higher and let the camera set the aperture. If using
a tripod, use AV Aperture Priority mode and use F F7.1 or smaller and let
the camera set the shutter for you.
@ZICKUP Sure was.
@AcornBurrka Same rules of composition apply as well as basic exposure no
matter the camera used. I too am a Nikon shooter who switches off between
the full frame sensor D700 and the newer crop sensor D7000.
@AndrewXAnarchy Thanks, just some cropping and resizing to fit the screen.
Can you tell me the best settings for D90?
Mostly with Canon DSLR with wide angle or 200mm telephoto for the larger
shots of the sun and others with just a cameraphone.
Great job man. did you use any filter? thanks man.
What kind of lens and camera are you using, these are beautiful pictures.
do u use neutral density/ graudated neutral density filter?
thanks you covered most of the bases.Settings,how to set up the picture ie
tick tak toe.
Thanks for the reply!
wow thats the fastest ive seen the sun go down
Also, what is the model of that wide angle lens, it got some beautifullll