I am the first to admit that I am naturally a “no” mom and I try so hard not to be.
It’s a daily struggle of mine.
I admire all of you “yes” moms so much. However, there is one season of the year that I become a “yes” mom and I completely give credit to my yearly 100 Days of Summer photography project.
I don’t know if it has to do with the fact that the summer gets me so excited with its leisurely days or if it’s because I am also about to lose my mind trying to keep 4 little boys entertained. Either way, I need material for a daily photo AND I want my kids to have a memorable summer.
The first thing I try to do is get the kids involved and suggest a summer bucket list. This isn’t anything crazy, but we all brainstorm and think of things we want to make sure we check off our list over the course of the next few months. These may include things such as: going to the pool, spending time at Papa & Gigi’s house, going to a museum, finding the best splash pad in the area, getting ice cream, etc.
See? Nothing crazy, but those simple everyday moments are my favorite. Isn’t that why so many of us picked up a camera in the first place?
I typically let the kids come up with most of the ideas, however, I try to throw in a few ideas that I know will be photo worthy (although I feel everything is worth documenting). I feel so much nostalgia during the summer and I want my kids to have those same feelings and memories.
Generally, we wake up and eat a lazy breakfast and decide what to do for the day. If one kiddo decides that we should check out one of the local lake beaches… YES! I don’t even bat an eye. Even when I’m exhausted, I pack up our things and grab my camera and hit the road.
Grabbing my camera doesn’t even feel like a chore and you know what else? My kids hardly even notice it on my “yes” days. They are so busy enjoying their summer fun that they don’t mind when I start snapping away. (Don’t worry – I don’t spend all my time behind the camera. I do jump in on the fun, too, because although capturing these memories is important, I also want them to remember me as a fun and engaging mom, not one that has her eye glued to the camera all day.)
Some days we don’t leave the house and that’s okay! My older two like to spend time playing video games (as do most kids, right?) and I’m totally okay with them decompressing and I document that, too. If it’s a lazy day at home I might just take my 3 year old twins out in the backyard and turn on the water hose. They can spend hours playing with that! (If you follow me on Instagram then I’m sure you’ve noticed we actually do this a LOT, but water droplets and sun are always a win in my photographery mind.)
To my fellow mamas, if you haven’t already, start a daily summer project – it’s not too late!
Be a YES mom! Grab that camera and document your days: the mundane moments, the family trips and everything in between. And to you mamas that are already doing a daily project, great job!!
Keep that momentum going and try the bucket list. I promise, you won’t even have to dig for inspiration for that daily photo. Most importantly, you will be giving your kids memories that last a lifetime.

The post How my 100 Days of Summer project makes me a more fun mom appeared first on Clickin Moms.