http://cazillo.com/articles/37-photography/249-how-exposure-metering-works-in-your-dslr-camera.html In this video I go over some basics…although my perspec…
http://cazillo.com/articles/37-photography/249-how-exposure-metering-works-in-your-dslr-camera.html In this video I go over some basics…although my perspec…
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Great Video! Thanks for sharing!
i was always working hard and also not much helpful works. This had kept me
and my family poor.
my mother introduced me to “importance” iPhone app by lokesh which directed
me to set priorities for each of the goals i work come and how to delegate
some unwanted works1
now, i am lot more focused and my productive has increased a lot
My CANON T4i, lol was on spot metering
Canon mate!
Everyone needs to reinforce their basics once in a while…check out this
video on exposure and metering! #photography #youtube
How Exposure & Metering Works in Your DSLR Camera
Thanks Greg!
Great video as always.
always on matrix
will the manual tell you if your camera meters(for spot let say) only in
the center of the screen or at the AF point? i’m on a canon 7D and i’ve
tried spot metering with the AF point and the center of screen(and then
recompose) and dont seem to see a difference. i dont use that often but i
wanna make sure when i do i’m using it right. manual says the center of
screen but i wanna make sure thats where is metering or if thats just
listing as an example
great videos they help me a lot keep them coming but sorry i shoot the
canon 1d mark ii and the canon T1I
Mine was on matrix but I am still getting frustrated with my photography,
there is so much to think about. Which lens for which scene, which aperture
etc the list is endless. I start to think I get it then all of a sudden I
@rian, hey, your canon should spot meter where ever your focus point is I
hi greg. which mode do you use for most of your shots? i use manual plus
ttl flash most of the time. does that make sense? im thinking about shoting
more in aperture priority, because i shot a lot for the newspaper. i lot of
shots have to be taken very quickly. is aperture priority + ttl a good
choice if you need to shot a lot – like on weddings? thanks for all the
great videos, they are very good. perhaps you could make a vid talking
about how you expose right in your everyday work (ur method)
ha, I just switched my camera to matrix mode right before watching this
video…I feel awesome now!
If you say so:). Hopefully you are being careful what you are metering off
of because of the example I gave at 8:57
Greg i have a question, I’ve been looking at the histogram of the photos i
been taking, it looks flat on the right but the picture looks really good,
now when i “push to the right” the picture looks over exposed. to push it
to the right whats the first thing u consider, ur ISO, aperture or ur
shutter. i normally change my ISO. thanx for the videos man they helped a
Evaluative metering was set on camera
I tend to use my camera in spot metering, since I’ve found that it makes me
get what I want in the correct exposure… For example, the eyes of a girl,
when they are under the shadow of her hair; and I look for overexposed
Greg your a legend
Keep em coming mate 
Yes it should tell you.
Matrix and Nikon!!
Not often, once it is set for a particular scene it should stay the same
unless the lighting changes. You should be conscious of it but not changing
all the time.
Many factors that would be at play there, first thing you should check is
your aperture. If you were at a shallow DOF it could be the issue…
Just checked. Mine was set to ‘evaluative’.
Hy Greg. How often do you change your metering mode while shooting?
Thank you