How can I take good pictures indoors with wall lights and maybe a centre light on?

Question by Sandra M: How can I take good pictures indoors with wall lights and maybe a centre light on?
I have a sony SLR camera, I just love taking pictures, the ones outside turn out just great….. BUT, the one indoors not so good, I must admit that I do keep it on auto because I am a bit scared to change the settings, can anyone advise me I keep refering to the manual but I am worried if I alter anything I will mess it up…..

Best answer:

Answer by Murl
I am not familiar with the camera but I would suggest you write down all the settings you have currently, even if you have to draw little pictures for it to make sense.
If the manual has information on setting for tungsten lighting follow that proceedure. If it has information on spot metering follow that and when all else fails take a shot gun approach and try everything; just write it down so you can do it again. The manual is the best tool!!!!!!!

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