Learn more! http://www.creativelive.com/courses/photographing-fireworks Learn how to capture great photographs of firework displays. John Cornicello will exp…
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Learn more! http://www.creativelive.com/courses/photographing-fireworks Learn how to capture great photographs of firework displays. John Cornicello will exp…
Video Rating: 5 / 5
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Please don ‘t use these women again, I felt sorry for John Cornicello he
covered the items then they ask again and interrupt his flow. He’s
obviously set up a talk, that covers everything why not wait until the end
or only ask question that are only relevant to what he is talking about at
that moment
*Fireworks Photography*
Thanks to +Alex Yakimov for this link :)
Many thanx for your tutorage, managed to take some decent photos locally
here in BKK!
Cool!@creativelive”Photographing Fireworks” lesson free!
Great vid
Great video! The only thing I would want to add is that someone asked about
his colors getting white. That issue is based on tunsgten balance, and the
best way to deal with it is to shoot RAW, and edit it later. JPEG tends to
strip color, especially in low light.
Great job John. This video was great. I watch both clips and just wanted to
say thanks for the rain sleeve tips. I freak out and put my camera in my
bag as soon as I feel sign of rain. IF I can can get my hand on a rain
sleeve or decent fit plastic bag I must give it a try. Also thanks for
sharing the ISO tips. I normally use automatic so this was great to know
exactly what ISO and aperture to use. Once again you rock and great video.
It might be a year old but it is still wort to watch!
wow thanks guys
Thanks for doing this video
they started asking about blocking the focus. later on they ask if he’s on
AF. WTF is up with these girls?!
Thanks CL for doing this. Well done John. Love the glasses
you’re so mean. :L
Really awesome tips! Thanks John.
Nice lesson, excellent speaker. Silly questions from the ladies but I
suppose it’s good that John had someone to chat back and forth with.
i’ve ran into you at Bandia Rua Studios events, great tutorial. thank you
very much glad I found you!
Holy shit those women are retards… Maybe they should pay attention and
not keep asking the same questions over and over. Next time don’t have them
on. They ruined the video..
Focus to infinity, F11, Bulb mode, ISO 100, black card, cable release.