David Loftus shows you how to get the very best picture possible. Thanks to Jamie Magazine please visit http://www.jamieoliver.com/magazine Make sure your an…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
David Loftus shows you how to get the very best picture possible. Thanks to Jamie Magazine please visit http://www.jamieoliver.com/magazine Make sure your an…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
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but see that’s the thing! Photography is Really easy and basic, it’s just how you use such knowledge and work it into your shots that can be a challenge. Everything else is experience
Thanks for the information :)
sorry this BS might be enough for your average tv consumer… but its nothing to youtube and to call this a masterclass is a big joke…. lulz
Thank you…
Really? I was hoping to learn something from these videos and instead found that everything is really basic stuff I already knew and hardly ‘masterclass’ standard
It’s a PhaseOne camera system, maybe P45. They deliver a great RAW file.
I have learned so much from these videos than from reading a ton of photography books.
just use photoshop lol
I like these videos makes it much interesting besides just recipes, thanks Jamie! X
This was awesome
Your camera is so fascinating… May I know what model it is? Thank you. These videos are so interesting…
Thanks so much for this video
A very good video, gives me a couple more ideas when taken pics of mushroms
damn I really need to get a new camera
thank you!
I am shooting in p mode .- never auto. Changing the ISO did help and it took me about an hour to figure out how to do that – I am so new to this /facepalm …thank a lot for that tip, much appreciated.
if it is too dark, bring the iso up (up to 800iso), or open the aperture. are you shooting in auto, p or in any other mode? something else that you could do is to change the exposure compensation.
2:53 this recap really helps! THANKS!
I tried the paper trick, read it on a forum but it’s too dark when I do that – I might be doing something wrong there though. My camera is a Canon Eos500d with SigmaDc18-200mm.
Abandon the preset white balance & ‘Custom’ White balance your camera with white paper under the lights you will be shooting under. What camera are you using?
I am always changing the colour hue into “colder” colours but the silly tinge stays and the shadows are not nearly as nice as they are when I take them in natural light. But I guess there is no way around it =/. I even tried “daylight bulbs”.. but I found no proper solution yet.
Do you mean adjust them digitally as in photoshop or do you mean digitally as in through your camera’s settings? I only dabble in this kind of stuff and was taught through a friend but it generally works for me. Use the color that is opposite to what the problem is. For my super yellow pictures I pump more blue into them through photoshop and subtract red. I believe it’s the color balance setting in photoshop if thats what you’re messing with.
Thank you so much for these videos!