I’ll put links here for download once I have them! Links to pics http://www.flickr.com/photos/90808768@N08/with/8242961190/#photo_8242961190 Music by: http:/…
I’ll put links here for download once I have them! Links to pics http://www.flickr.com/photos/90808768@N08/with/8242961190/#photo_8242961190 Music by: http:/…
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jesus christ, the camera is beast!
I didn’t realise this was JX23 as I only looked at the video title nothing else. Then, I was like, hey this dude really sounds like JX23
got my new wallpaper! Thank you
where is this place you take all of your photos
A documentary!! that sounds pretty friggin sweet my son! This is just one more example of why i said your the coolest most real youtuber. As a fan, i would love alittle behind the scenes of JX
Best of luck mate and lookin forward to the finished project!
p.s. just wondering but woudl this be one big film like thing or uploaded in parts? thx!
decent pictures wow!
Those are some proper quality shots mate you photography boist!
Love low shutter speed.
Wish I could afford a camera like that
You should post star pics once you get the chance.
you thought his name was jamie??? what the heck? lol you silly monkey xD
should we call you JohnEx23 now? lol only kidding, sweet pics man!
Best way to do this is to where black so you don’t appear as a blur in the back ground. I got the 1100D i love it
gonna get the 60D next year 
there amazing!
Do countryside/nature shots
you can see the star trails over a really long shutter speed which makes an interesting photo
Holy frick its the talk talk advertisement.
Your a beast!
I like the light painting ‘Jon’ (unless it says something else and I’m stupid)
Got some nice pics there J (:
Awesome camera, how much did it cost you J?
I feel like a bad sub now I always thought your name was Jamie cause you shorten Jamie to J or jay
North wales is mint for star pictures, but its probaly a bit too far for you