In this video Christian is presenting several baby picture ideas and various props that can be used by anyone interested. Few newborn baby photography tips o…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
In this video Christian is presenting several baby picture ideas and various props that can be used by anyone interested. Few newborn baby photography tips o…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
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i enjoyed this video.I appreciate and love your passion.deferentially i
will try to do one of this.please keep sharing this kind of
Nina I have done the egg with 6 metal wire rings from a craft shop, tighten
them up and down and deformed them to get an egg like shape. I have filled
the egg with blanket filler and wrapped with with filler and fabric. I am
not happy with it as it is, I will do it again….not sure how yet.
Hi thank you for your amazing video, it was a great help. I was wondering
if you have instructions on how you made that egg, I have also been trying
to make one.
This is simply superb. Grt photos and ideas. Thanx for sharing.
I appreciate and love your passion. good luck and do not forget to share
your experience and work with others
I really enjoyed this video & appreciate your unique ideas. Since I’ve
decided to go into photography, ever time I’m at a store or out anywhere,
I’m always looking for inspiration: Some prop or something. Sometimes I
can’t even sleep well at night because my head is racing with ideas!!!
informasi yang sangat bagus & membantu
ISO 100, 1/125 sec – F 16,19,22 Lights main full power, fill in half power
and back lights depending on the situation
thanks for your help could you give me the studio settings you use on your
thanks again for all your help
camera iso f-stop and shutter speed im trying to get that nice soft look i
always see on baby’s
I am Christian – not Stewart!
Love your tutorials Stewart, very useful and informative so THANKS for
sharing them with us
Stewart …my studio portraits are f16-f22. you will never loose quality by
decreasing the aperture size. you will get a better and sharper image, with
a deeper depth of field. If you want depth of field, that is a different
hi no the photos look good my question is i can only get down to f11 stop
with the strobes as this is what my light meter says to set my camera up
to. i can not turn my strobes down they are at the min setting. the only
way i can get down to the f5 stop is to pull the strobes a long way from
the person. I just need to know you think that f11 stop is to high for
portraits as i have seen every one saying to use as low as possible like f5
. Will i be loosing photo quality by using a high f11
Stewart – sorry for late reply. what is the question? step one – ISO 100,
shutter speed 1/125 , F.11 – F22. if too overexposed increase shutter
speed. If still to overexposed, turn the lights on lower power if too dark,
increase the F stop. If still dark increase the power of lights. Is still
too dark, increase ISO. work around settings you want and test continously
hi i have another question i have my lens sorted and my strobe kit has
arrived the problem is i can only get it down to about f 10-11 on my light
meter if i use two strobes i can get it down to f 5-6 only if i take the
strobes a long way away from the person im using a 85m 1.8 canon lens the
strobes are 400w each and i have 4 of them 1600w all up i think they are to
powerful what should i do is the picture going to be not as sharp at f11
because i see every one seems to use around f4-6 thanks
Stewart a 22 mm focal distance will deform the image in the corners. the
best results are somewhere between 35 mm and 70 mm. But this is not only
the focal distance. In my experience I have learned that you get what you
pay for, or be happy with what you have. i have never heard of Samyang
super wide angle. a good lens is sharp. a bad lens is blurry and has
chromatic aberrations. why don’t you try before you buy?
it is for a 550d canon so if i am right i would have to x it by 1.6 so it
would be a 22.4mm on my camera would i be correct in saying this thanks
hi again do you think this lens would do what you are doing ok this is more
in myu price range Samyang Super Wide Angle 14mm F2.8 lens thanks
i got a mirco lens and a 70 to 200 i think it is with the kit when i first
got it they are just kit lens tho
i just got a 85mm 1.8 lens
but i have to be a weeee way back to get it
all in the shot
Stewart something between 35 and 50 mm than. the more you spend on a lens,
the better quality you are going to get. This is a very expensive hobby,
but if you make money, it is all going to pay for itself
dame lol bit out of my price range at the mo
Stewat I am using my 24-70 mm F 2.8. It gives a good flexibility and it is
a very good quality glass. Very sharp
hi what lens are you using i have a 85m 1.8 but the problem im having is im
trying to shoot a baby in a bed i made and i have to stand way back to get
it all in the frame id like to be closer and still get it all in the frame
? i have a micro lens and a 35-250 i think it is but they are just cheap
lens that came with the kit
Thank you so much!