This is a tutorial that should really help some of you photographers out there. We will start with a base RAW file from an 8 megapixel low-end Canon digital …
Video Rating: 4 / 5
This is a tutorial that should really help some of you photographers out there. We will start with a base RAW file from an 8 megapixel low-end Canon digital …
Video Rating: 4 / 5
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A nice little “Camera Raw” Tutorial
Did you you use a CR2 Raw file or CRW File ?
Because, I have a Canon 300D that takes shoots in CRW files and XSi that
takes shoots in CR2 files.
And can I use PhotoShop CS 1?
A nice little “Camera Raw” Tutorial
very very nice! i like it. thanks a lot for sharing yor skill :)
Add Dramatic Colour to your Photographs!! I love doing this to my images.
This really shows the power of PS! Enjoy.
Very good but is not clear the number that you insert for each choose!
Add Dramatic Color to Photographs: Photoshop Tutorial!
Wow that’s amazing! Great work :)
What version of PS is this? My search was for CS3 and this showed up, bu
that brush is not available up top in RAW mode (that you painted the sky
Great Tutorial and very helpful.
Thank you very much.
Now I know what video the guys from 500px have been watching…
You’re a fucking idiot. I hate smug people like you. I do photography and
film/video. Everyone enances and edits their photos. If the most plain
photos like bikini models on a beach during broad daylight has their photos
edited. Your argument is so invalid because that is like saying to every
cinematographer, that your not a cinematographer because you edit your
videos and films. Photography and film is no different. You’re selling a
product, you enhance and edit photos, period.
You are correct. Nat Geo will perfectely know when a photo has been modify,
altered or photoshoped. What they let you use are the normal tools any
pro-photographer has, like filters, zooms, glasses, steady devices, etc.
Photos you see in Nat Geo are 100% real, so feel free to trust.
OK, a GREAT tutorial this time. Great explanation of ACR helping to refine
my workflow. Thanx.
Nice tutorial, I’ve never used the adjustment brush in raw, I will need to
try this soon. p.s. your voice sounds like a radio dj. lol Like you are
going to say, Alright, next, we’ll have some Bruno Mars for you on the
drive home right after this Maroon 5 track.
Well some of us “me” are professional photographers and artists (oil on
canvas, traditional not digital) and I love photoshop so I can add dramatic
colors to my photography w/out having to set up some stupid gel lighting
…aint nobody got time for dat! :b
great video!!! grkphoto
ahhhhh! Finally a tutorial with voice!
i think you can open jpeg in camera raw but you have to open it through
adobe bridge just right click your jpeg image, choose open in camera raw.
Where can I find this original picture?
Just watch and learn! Don’t be mimicking what he’s doing step by step-
that’s a lot of unnecessary pausing and rewinding.