Research scientist, ornithologist, George Divoky has started his 48th field season on Cooper Island in the Arctic. That’s an unremarkable sentence describing an utterly remarkable effort. George has studied a colony of Guillemot birds, nesting and breeding on Cooper, an isolated strip of island in the Beaufort Sea, north of Utqiagvik, Alaska, for nearing a half century.
He left Seattle in June, and despite logistical difficulties, is on the island now, once again amassing notebooks, documenting the decline of the colony. His voluminous notes represent one of if not the world’s largest repository of experiential observance of climate change in the world. George has seen it, lived it, breathed it. He has seen Cooper go from an ice bound state to brown sand, over time. If anyone out there, for instance, currently watching the Pacific Northwest broiling in unheard of temperatures, still disbelieves the earth is dangerously warming, take a look at George’s notes.
Our friends at Maha Energy are not only wonderful folks to work with, but their support extends well beyond the photo community. George got some assistance on “refreshing” his old batteries for the upcoming 48th field season. Right now, George is working with his new AA pro batteries, chargers and LED lanterns – all thanks to Maha Energy. So much of what George does throughout the summer months depends on batteries; he uses solar and wind for all the recharging and he realized, now more than ever, that his tasks needed a professional quality, reliable battery.

George will be featured on Connecticut Public TV this Thursday July 15th at 8:00pm EST in an interview about his extensive work on climate change and global warming. George’s nonprofit, Friends of Cooper Island has detailed information, and links to make a donation to support his work. Hoping the CT Public TV special will drive awareness of his important research.

Below is a link to the trailer on the documentary we made “Watching the Earth Melt Away”

Honored to have our film win this award last year. It’s wonderful to be recognized by RIFF (The Ridgefield Independent Film Festival), and to participate in our town’s celebration of filmmaking and the arts.
Sending George good vibes as he once again lives a solitary life for three months of the year, continuing his study. Such an amazing act of tenacity, steadfast observance, and observation. His works benefits us all.
More tk….
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