Photography Tips : How to Set Up Portrait Studio Lighting

Photography Tips : How to Set Up Portrait Studio Lighting

Portrait studio lighting starts with a basic set up that can then be enhanced to fit specific needs. Find out how to use a main light, a fill light, a hair l…
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25 Responses to Photography Tips : How to Set Up Portrait Studio Lighting

  1. Alan Worthington says:

    thanks Rebecca….. good information…I would have loved to have seen it
    in action…

  2. roballendesign says:

    Thanks Rebecca, some good tips.

  3. tweetyrocks818 says:

    thanks really confusing but ok then πŸ™‚

  4. jimlap777 says:

    There are better videos on the web that SHOW all this in action.

  5. Robin J Carlson says:

    Great overview! Thanks!

  6. CALICOTV301 says:

    What heck? Where’s the demonstration? This is useless like telling someone
    HOW to jump out of a plane

  7. akimotolove says:

    really helpful.

  8. FunnyBoysFilms says:

    @photoman022 : Yes very true a lot of tutorials do this, being able to see
    the whole photo set with all the lights in place and the model and the
    effects of the lights on the model, and the way it changes when you move
    the lights around would be invaluable. A missed opportunity πŸ™

  9. Overchecking says:

    A poor attempt at a tutorial, drawing a scene just don’t cut it.

  10. SJZ17 says:

    thank you!! very basic and informitive

  11. comlax22 says:

    This video SUCKS—it’s confusing & difficult to follow…plus Rebecca
    talks like she’s on sedatives. WTF

  12. Sina Ateş says:

    u r a photographer. y u draw ?

  13. GATFOCT says:

    What is the power setting a hair light should be set at? (compared to the
    main light, that is), I know the fill should be half of whatever the main,
    but I get different answers to the hair light–and non using any kind of
    logical reasoning.

  14. gottalovethevideos says:

    Sorry…but talk talk talk and cartoon drawings?….come on…you are a
    photographer…show us each item you are talking about and physicaly put
    them in the positons that you are telling us about…I clicked on 3 of your
    videos giving you the chance to do anything but talk….I give up….won’t
    click on another.

  15. Russ Cassevah says:

    If you need this video. Stop, and go get another job. This is first year bs.

  16. daNwomanhairdan says:

    true dat, good tutorial vid

  17. MrBigLee77 says:

    you dont need 3 lights you dont even need 2 if you are shooting a high key
    portrait you can just use 1 light if you have a large octobox you can even
    stand in front of it while you take the photo!

  18. Mia Vonni says:


  19. sxclatina4lif says:

    not confusing at all.. if you know anything about photography and lighting
    you would know there are normally around 4-5 lights at a set – the key
    light( main light), fill light, accent /Rim lights(hair lights). and
    background lights these all contribute to an even balanced light set up

  20. amazingRec says:

    @AdrienChaos I love ehow…

  21. Mike Kuna says:

    Nice brief explanation. However being subjected to a commercial that is as
    long as the tutorial is beyond annoying. More often than not I’ll avoid
    ehow videos based on this fact.

  22. George Torres says:

    @photoman022 Yes I do agree.. Even though we can just try it out, but lease
    give use an idea what it looks like.

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