Question by : I want to major in Photography?
Is photography fun? Hard? Good salary? Can I take a college class for it?
Best answer:
Answer by fhotoace
Learning photography is NOT a breeze. You have to apply yourself and put a lot of work into learning all the terms and most used techniques that are required to become a successful photographer.
If the college has a major or minor in photography, then of course you will be taking many classes in photography and art as well.
Beyond your degree in photography, you will also need to work as an assistant for three to five years or become an assistant staff photographer to a large company with a PR department, newspaper or magazine to hone all the skills you learned while in school
How much you earn will have more to do with your skills and the clients you eventually acquire. This process can take over ten years, so you need to be patient as well
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Is photography fun? Sometimes
Hard? Sometimes
Good salary? Sometimes
Can I take a college class for it? Sometimes
Make sure it’s really what you want to do. It is an extremely expensive major to get into. It’s super fun but can be extremely hard. It’s not just about pretty pictures- LOTS of dedication. If it’s not what you really want to do and master as a craft- you probably wont stick it out.
Learning is the easy part. If you love photography it’s fun. There are plenty of schools for photography such as RIT. You have to be prepared to run your own business in most cases. It’s not easy to get work and run a business.
for a career= it’s fun if you love it. very hard. very competitive. salaries vary. you can take tons of classes for it
NOT for a career/for fun= more fun, less stress. free, open creative and less restricting.
you don’t need a college course to take good photos
just check out the vid on how to take good photos
it’s pretty simple. focus on attractive and passion