SongFreedom – A Great Part of Their Backstory


Intro by Skip Cohen

A few months ago I launched a new series here at SCU, “Why?” and it took off. Now, almost forty artists later it just keeps growing.  But this post isn’t about an image that was captured by a respected artist, but the backstory of a company.

I’m on thin, but safe ice here, as I lift a post Matt Thompson shared on Facebook earlier today. It’s a small part of the backstory behind one of the most respected companies in the industry, Songfreedom.  While “Why?” is about images, Matt’s story is about the most important aspect of our industry – the friendships. I want to share it in a post, because it deserves to be shared outside Facebook.

The companies so many of you have chosen to work with, didn’t just appear in a puff of smoke or magic dust from the business fairy – they took hard work, persistence and a love for the craft. Meet my buddy Matt and his best buddy, Stephanie.  They had an idea, and while you know how to hold focus on an image, they held it on their dream.

Matt shares a big part of the credit for SongFreedom’s growth and success with Joe Switzer. If you haven’t met Joe, make it a point the next time you’re at a convention where he’s teaching, especially ShutterFest.

And, to my good buddy Matt, you weren’t the only one lucky in talking with Joe that day. Thanks to him – you came along and have had an impact on the work of so many of us in the industry! Plus, you’re a kick to hang out with.

You’ve brought a level of fun to this industry. “Fun” is one of those words so often lost in the day in day out stress of business. We all know what you’ve been building, and continue to build, hasn’t always been “fun”, but you’ve always had this incredibly infectious smile and love for business.

Check out a podcast I did with Matt just a couple of months ago on a Photodex Spotlight Series. Just click on the banner to the right to hear the podcast.

​Meanwhile here’s what inspired this post, published by Matt earlier in the day. 

by Matt Thompson

7 years ago Joe Switzer was talking about his problems with the music business when it came to his company, Switzerfilm. He said he thought there was a solution and that I was the guy to fix their problems. So we met for coffee.

7 years later, Songfreedom licenses music from every major label and publisher and countless independent artists. We have tens of thousands of amazing clients across over 150 countries. It’s also allowed the opportunity to spin out other companies like U Management, managing some of the greatest artists anywhere. 

Joe, thanks for the coffee that started 7 of the coolest years ever. We’ve both been so lucky that you saw the opportunity and recognized my awesomeness. ðŸ˜‰ And a huge thank you to my wife, Stephanie Lynn Thompson, who put up with 80 hour work weeks and tons of travel so we can be where we are today! I couldn’t have done it without you.

SkipCohenUniversity – SCU Blog

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