Why You Need To Get Your Flash Off The Camera

Scott Kelby does an on-location shoot for D-Town TV (http://www.kelbytv.com/dtown) Episode #28 to show why you need to get your flash off your camera and dif…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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25 Responses to Why You Need To Get Your Flash Off The Camera

  1. T' Rochelle says:

    Thank you

  2. aral2dmax says:

    Excellent tutorial, you did it again Scott kelby, simple yet very

  3. Thomas Ricks says:

    A Great reminder about off camera Lighting

  4. Saladin Daoud says:

    Hey. I just wanted to ask a question. I’m 10 and I read your first book and
    i decided that i love shooting flowers and landscapes. which camera would
    you suggest

  5. Jibz Alom says:

    I don’t think the flash dome/diffuser should be kept on if a modifier is
    being used. Do not see tha value in it.

  6. Tino Schulz says:

    The closer you get with the flash the softer the light will be?

    I don´t think thats right :D

  7. Sohail Anwar says:

    You speak really fast. Slow it down :P

  8. Paul Smith says:

    that is the way to deliver information, 

  9. Ilian Dinev says:

    insane tip !!

  10. George Simmons says:


  11. nachwurst says:

    well, he wanted to get a backlight on the rim of her hair.

  12. Kelvin Gorrell MD says:

    Amy says great job teach!

  13. Asassa Saasasas says:

    воу воу палехче паринь! я же не в лс тебе пишу) ценность моего коммента
    предыдущего равна 0-5%. не пойму, откуда столько агрессии. я просто изложил
    свою мысль о том, как надо делать. это видео сделано правильно. ни больше,
    ни меньше.

  14. Asassa Saasasas says:

    все могут так делать. снимай хоть целый день, но перед выкладыванием на
    ютуб – сделай нарезку из видео, выбрав основные моменты.

  15. Marques Brownlee says:

    Interesting to shoot through the umbrella instead of reflecting out of it.
    I may try this in a few of my videos – thanks for the tips!

  16. myoape says:

    Wow amazing :). One question though, couldn’t you get a similarly (allmost
    as) good result by using the available natural light from the window, if
    you reposition yourself a little?

  17. Iho2012 says:

    нормуль,без всяких соплей,в кратце показал…

  18. Paul Thomas says:

    Three minutes of gold! Great tutorial Scott, to the point, no fluff and
    easy to follow steps! Thank you for sharing!

  19. swedendive says:

    why not use only reflex screens

  20. Carlos Sirota says:

    Nice shot!

  21. Tobias Heyl says:

    Short and simple, explained well, nice model – thanks for sharing!

  22. MrTanker10a says:

    That is what Scott Kelby is known for and that is simplicity…

  23. Asassa Saasasas says:

    и сообщение было адресовано не тебе. я использовал цитирование, а не ответ.

  24. Iho2012 says:

    Ну и к чему,ты это тут наплел..?Я че,спрашивал как это делается?Я не вчера

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