what are some good photography tips for beginers?

Question by needtoknow: what are some good photography tips for beginers?
I am 13 and have been liking photography lately. I havnt gotten into all the technical stuff but if anybody has any tips to make the pictures look better i would love it. also some ideas of what to take pictures of would be goo. thanks!!

Best answer:

Answer by selina_555
Learn about your camera !!!!

Read your manual !!!! Read it several times, and practice in between. If you don’t have a book, download from the manufacturer’s website.

Attend a class, read some books, read/watch online tutorials.

The major camera manufacturers (like Canon, Nikon, Olympus etc) all have very useful sections on their website for learning about photography.





Understanding at least the basic principles of photography (as well as being familiar with your camera) will enable you to make the most of your gear, and will make a HUGE difference to your images.

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