Spring is upon us, and the Big Apple, along with many places, is cautiously opening up again. Such a difficult year! But the chance to go out into the world for a photographic wander approaches in a real and more expansive way. Along with the redoubtable duo of Liza Politii and Ari Espay, I’ll be teaching a workshop this coming June, with most of our locations and walkabouts hunkering down in the historic lower end of Manhattan.
Liza, Ari and I have been working and teaching together for over ten years now, and it’s always new, and heartfelt, when we collaborate again. Even more so now, coming out of lockdown. We sent out word of this idea for June 9-13, and those dates filled in four days. So, we opened a second section, from June 16-20, and that is close to half full already. Folks with cameras are ready to go!
This one will be a first, as in addition to the usual street photography, lighting demos, and critiques, we will take all our participants to the 9/11 Memorial Museum. It is the 20th anniversary year of that fateful day, and I remain very involved with the Museum, on an ongoing basis, and will speak a bit about the astounding spirit and courage of New Yorkers on that day and in the aftermath.
New York awaits!
Or, just email Liza Politi direct…. liza@lizapoliti.com
More tk….
The post NYC Workshop! June 16-20, 2021 appeared first on Joe McNally's Blog.