London…one of my favorite places. Wonderful friends and colleagues, and a trip that I don’t take for granted (or any trip for that matter) given the rollercoaster of the past three years. Excited to be working once again with Nikon School UK this November 24th, and introducing a brand new, two-day portrait intensive workshop. We’ll be at a terrific location in London, with terrific talent, such as the globe trotting Amber Tutton, above, in the banner photo. Wanted to offer folks a chance to experiment more with preplanning, lighting and working with models. A two-day format frees you up to experiment and then change things on the following day and have a lot more time crafting location solutions, both interior and exterior. Spots are going fast since we’ll have a small class. Registration link.

Designated as a master class, we’ll start actually before getting on location via a zoom chat session. The whole class will gather virtually for a meetup, and we’ll plan objectives, go over existing portfolios, and fully describe the intentions of the two-day master class. The broad strokes of lighting will be under discussion and put into practice, as well as the nuances and details.

A small class allows for Individual attention – the watchword of the workshop. A two-day experience gives all the participants time to edit, and then show the first day’s work at the beginning of day two. A critique session will start the second day of the workshop, and then we engage in another full day of photography. Goal is to really raise the bar on the creative and technical front, and two days allows that to happen.

I love going to the UK, it’s very special to me because it’s the place where I decided to become a photographer. I was in London as a student, photographing street fairs, kids and the like. A great beginning, in an astonishing city. I never forget that and embrace any chance I can to be there.

More tk….
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