How to Improve Your Photographs

Have you ever wondered why your photographs seem to be too common or unattractive? This is a common problem especially for new photographers with little or no photography experience.

This article will share on some basic ways to improve your photographs and will be a good place to start if you are new to this exciting hobby. To render eye catching photographs, it is important that they are sharp and well exposed with strong composition.

There are a few reasons which contribute to blurry photographs and the more common ones are due to camera shake or poor focusing techniques.

It is important that you hand-held the camera correctly and make sure the grip is stable and firm. If the shutter speed is too slow, make sure a tripod is used to avoid camera shake. If you do not have a tripod, try resting or leaning on something to give a firm support.

Most DSLR in the market offers image stabilizing function either on the camera body or lens. You may want to use the image stabilizing function if available.

When focusing on your subject, make sure you are aiming and focusing at the right area (the area which you want the image to be sharp). Always remember to lock your focal distance if there is a need to recompose the image.

You will need to understand the relationship between ISO, Aperture and Shutter Speed for a properly exposed photograph. I have another article which explains the relationships and it will be worth reading for a better understanding.

 A strong composition will definitely attracts viewers’ eyes as compared to a weak one. Instead of placing your subject in the middle of the frame at eye level, it is worth exploring other angles to “tackle” them.

You may want to try kneeling or lying on the ground to take a low angle shot, or stand on higher ground for a high angle approach. 

I believe Rule of Thirds is a common terminology used in photography and it is useful and important for photographers to know this. Imagine there are 2 evenly spread lines running vertically and horizontally across your view-finder. You may want to frame your subject of interest on the imaginative lines (especially at the area where the lines intersect).

Although Rule of Thirds is a powerful tool commonly used by many photographers, it does not mean you have to always apply this technique. Using this technique as and when necessary together with different angles approach can help render a stronger composition and make your photographs more attractive.

Photography is just like swimming, just learning the theory is not enough. After reading this article, grab your camera now and start shooting!

Yong Sak is a Singapore Photographer who enjoys taking photographs and sharing his knowledge in photography to those who are also keen in this hobby. He shares many Photography Tips and Techniques which are useful to beginners. He owns a Photography Portal which house many Beginners Photography Fundamentals which are essentials for those who are new to photography and are hungry for more information.

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