Question by akleo: What kind of umberellas do I need for off-camera flash photography?
I would like to start off camera flash photography and I am not sure what umbrellas I need to buy. I have 3 flashes, Canon 580EX II, and two Nikon SB-28s. I am using ebay triggers to trigger the flash and need to use umbrellas to soften the light from flashes. Do I need to get the same umbrella for all three flashes? Do you use different umbrellas for each flash?
Best answer:
Answer by viking
First what will you be photographing, large/small items, people etc.
The light output would have to be sufficient and large enough to illuminate the subject. You may wish to consider a soft box etc, besides the many other types of reflectors. Take a look on line for starters but a good book will give you much greater information. Start small, you do not need to buy everything at once, see if you like the results and build up from there.
Besides trying to get the perfect exposure, it is also subjective, what are you trying achieve.
There are so many permutations with lighting read, read, read, and experiment.
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